Chickies, Chickies, Chickies!! Meet the new additions! (Pic heavy!)

Hmm.... Yeah I hope Po is a boy too. He just kinda.....well...looks like he should be a boy. As long as he doesn't turn out like my sablepoot cock, Bilbo, who got stepped on, and now has a phobia of shoes. He basically attacks anyone who walks by. He' s only about the size of a woodpigeon, but dang, that boy got spunk!
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Aw. :lol: Po's a little sweetie, but he's only a couple weeks old, so I guess I can't gauge what he'll be like as an adult just yet. Ma is a fiesty little snot, though. Already trying to chest bump with the others. :rolleyes:

I didn't take many pictures during play time because I was tired today, but I did get a picture of Rangi 'helping' me at the computer. "What does this button do?"

He is such a cutie, isn't he! :love And he's starting to look frizzley, though I can't seem to get a picture of him that shows it very well!
:barnie Well, my camera died before I could get a lot of pictures today, but here's what I got:

Hika Ma:




Back to front, this is Ihi, Tiwhiri, and Marama:


Po! :love



Yay, we finally get SOME PICTURES! Lol! I got to thinking, and, I've had the worst luck with EE roosters... All of mine have turned out so mean and unpredictable, it's crazy! I have a small hole in my leg from when I was spurred by one when I was four years old!

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