Chickies, Chickies, Chickies!! Meet the new additions! (Pic heavy!)

They are looking so BIG! Rangi's wings are looking properly full now!

Also, have you noticed you've got a couple of boys there?
True, true... in fact, since I assumed a couple were boys, they are more likely to all be girls. I'm really bad at sexing animals, especially birds.
I don't actually own any male animals apart from my cockerels
. I am literally hopeless lol. Even all of my stick insects are female...
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True, true... in fact, since I assumed a couple were boys, they are more likely to all be girls. I'm really bad at sexing animals, especially birds.
I don't actually own any male animals apart from my cockerels
. I am literally hopeless lol. Even all of my stick insects are female...
Haha, we have a bunch of chicks, sexed pullets, and they have the regular sexlink hen coloring, but big combs for their age!
So annoying when that happens.... I remember when I got my legbars, and they all had the female chick plumage (they are an auto-sexing breed if you didn't know)... Turns out one WAS a boy though (lol) and he is the best cock I've ever had. He even comes and beats up the sablepoots when they fight with my shoes
nasty little devils...
I know Hika Ma is a boy. Po, I kind of hope is a boy. The rest I'm pretty confident are girls. :) You can't judge by comb size on this lot, because most of them are breeds that just have big combs.

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