Chicks Pooping Blood


Free Ranging
8 Years
Mar 20, 2015
My Coop
My Coop
Hello all! One of our chicks started pooping blood last night. They are about 2 weeks old. Coccidiosis maybe? I have Corid to treat them. I just wasn’t sure the proper dosage as I’ve never done it with chicks before. The chick is acting fine but I want to get it early while I can.
Hello all! One of our chicks started pooping blood last night. They are about 2 weeks old. Coccidiosis maybe? I have Corid to treat them. I just wasn’t sure the proper dosage as I’ve never done it with chicks before. The chick is acting fine but I want to get it early while I can.
Yes, treat them ASAP with the Corid.
Liquid Corid is 2 tsp per gallon for 7 days, put out a fresh solution daily.
For the second week, drop to 1 tsp per gallon, put out a fresh solution daily.
If you have the powder, you can use 1.5 tsp of it per gallon. Do you have any poop pictures?
I went to take pictures of the bloody poop; it’s been about five hours. I know the chick has pooped but no more bloody poop yet. I didn’t get a photo before I cleaned their bedding. I found this photo online though and the poop looked like this but not as chunky and maybe more the size of a dime. This morning before cleaning there was three spots of bloody poop, and the third poop I literally saw the chick do it.
Continue the Corid as instructed above. How are all the chicks acting?
If any have symptoms more than the bloody droppings it would be a good idea to also give those ones an oral dose in addition to the medicated water. If any are not eating or drinking well, seem lethargic or sleepy, or are sitting fluffed up, then I would add the oral dose to treatment. Dosing for that is here:
Corid is very safe, very little risk of overdosing, so if in doubt treating is the right thing to do.

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