6 weeks ... I’m less on the fence about that Orpington. But I don’t know.... Orpingtons are hard. I’ve had a few 16+ weeks until I could figure it out.

In many of your lavender photos the comb does not look like a boy to me. That’s why I asked. It sort of has boyish feathers, but they probably don’t mean anything either way at 6 weeks either. But then in the last close up photo you posted it certainly looks advanced for 6 weeks....

Tomorrow can you get a photo of it’s wattles and the buffs wattles for comparison? I actually find the wattles sometimes give a clearer indication of things.

Yeah, I’ve had 3 Buffs (currently just have two) and they’ve all had totally different comb and wattle sizes. One had a huge comb, another huge comb and wattles, another almost non existent for both but all were girls.

And I had a Barred Rock who had a massive comb and wattles and I thought for sure she was a boy for a while but nope. Definite girl. Laid eggs and everything.

So it can be hard to tell sometimes for sure.

But usually I’ve ordered sexed pullets and this is my first time hatching eggs so I think I’m a bit paranoid they’re all boys. :lau :oops:

I keep comparing them to the definite boys but having quite a hard time remembering what my other chicks looked like at this age. :oops:

And yeah, that one is confusing as well. The comb looks pretty red to me but it isn’t very big and I don’t think it has much wattle development so :confused:

The only ones I am absolutely 100% sure on are the RIR, the Welsummer, and the BR. The others I go back and forth on so much.

I will try to get pictures of them tomorrow. Might help too if I can go in there and try to catch/hold them so I can get one or two clear/close up pictures of their faces instead of instead of 30 million terrible ones!? :lau :oops:

I would have done that tonight but I didn’t want to go in there in my pajamas :lau

Maybe outside/natural light pictures would help too? We’re moving them outside soon.
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Whoops, sorry, meant to say the comb on the Lav didn’t look very big haha looks red but not very big is what I meant to say. And @jolenesdad I forgot to ask before but when you say you’re less on the fence about that one now... does that mean you’re leaning more towards boy now? :( I really hope I don’t only end up with one girl. :(
Sometimes it can be really hard to get good pictures... they never stop moving :wee

Exactly!! Especially these babies. :lau I swear they’re way more full of beans than my other birds were lol especially when I first turn their light on :lau also the boys are very rambunctious and love fighting/chest bumping each other :lau :rolleyes:
Whoops, sorry, meant to say the comb on the Lav didn’t look very big haha looks red but not very big is what I meant to say. And @jolenesdad I forgot to ask before but when you say you’re less on the fence about that one now... does that mean you’re leaning more towards boy now? :( I really hope I don’t only end up with one girl. :(
I think welsummer and buff are pullets. EE and Lav orp I’m on the fence and feel like the next couple of weeks will be telling!
I think welsummer and buff are pullets. EE and Lav orp I’m on the fence and feel like the next couple of weeks will be telling!

Okay thank you!! I’m glad I at least got a couple of pullets and hopefully will get a couple more. :fl

So do you think the other ones are all cockerels then? Cause the black ones I wasn’t sure on cause their combs are quite large but don’t appear to be very red yet. One seems like it’s a boy but maybe the other isn’t?

One of them is a blue Andalusian (though I think I wound up with a black one which is fine with me) so a pretty large combed breed to begin with and the other is a black australorp but I can’t tell them apart. But hoping one is a girl? Maybe? But probably not, huh? :(
All the breeds are Blue Andalusian, Black Australorp, Buff Orpington, Lavender Orpington, Rhode Island Red, Barred Rock, Easter Egger, and two Welsummers.

So far I’m thinking the Barred Rock, Rhode Island Red, and one of the Welsummers are for sure cockerels and I think the other Welsummer is female (so I have a pair) and I think the BO is a pullet and the rest I’m totally unsure and on the fence about.

I am hoping for more girls though but I know that’s probably unlikely. :(
Idk, maybe post more pictures in a few more weeks. The cockerels should be hard to miss by then... :hmm

Yeah I think I just need to be patient and wait haha right now I’m checking them a million times/second guessing myself but I’m sure once they’re outside and out of sight they’ll just turn into obvious boys overnight. :lau watched pot and all that... :lau :oops:

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