You done good! It's a handsome group of cockerels, and that one lone pullet.

Thank you! They really are handsome aren’t they!? I’m in love with that Welsummer boy :lau :love

He’s very alert too. Was watching the sky a few times yesterday and investigated some stuff today.

Thinking of keeping him and the Wellie girl but I also love the Lav and the EE so idk. :lau

I hate to get rid of them :hit

I truly cannot believe my luck though... 1 girl out of 9 chicks... 90% cockerels! :eek: :th
I hatched 4 they were all boys sadly 3 of them went to freezer camp I kept my favorite even though I'm not allowed roosters in my neighborhood no one has said anything

Oh wow you had even worse luck than me! I had at least one girl haha although I almost would have rather had no girls since it’s a pain to integrate just one! I might keep one of the boys too. Maybe the Welsummer pair. I bet your boy is handsome!
Aww, they really are adorable! :love
Man it stinks that they're mostly cockerels. 😕
I would have such a hard time picking which ones to get rid of or which ones to keep! 😔

Thanks! I think so too!! They’re still so sweet too! :love even if they are mostly scared of me still. :lau

And I know right!? It figures that my first hatch ever would wind up all boys. :lau

I was so excited to keep all the girls and then they decided to be almost all boys :lau :rolleyes:

And I know right!? Me too!! That’s part of why I haven’t listed any yet. :lau

Although there is one that picks fights with the big girls... he’s definitely a goner. :lau

I wanted to keep the Barred Rock cause he was the first to hatch and super friendly but then he got killed. :hit

I really love the Welsummer, Lav Orp, and EE though. But then maybe the Buff would be a good choice...:barnie I just don’t know!
If you have room, and you're not in a crazy big hurry to get rid of them, I would wait until they mature a bit. I've noticed their personalities can change dramatically as they grow up.
Handsome boys! That lavender is gonna be a looker. The EE has such gorgeous coloring. I’d wait a bit longer and see how personalities develop.

Thanks! That’s a good idea! I think I’ll do that. :)

Once we finish the new coop, we should have an empty one I was going to move them into haha although should I take the lone female out? Would they fight over her? Was thinking of making a bachelor pad but they seem okay for now and it’s so hard to integrate just one I think? And idk of its shift their flock dynamics too much? I did make a post on my state thread kind of jokingly but if someone wants one I’d be fine with getting rid of some and maybe just keeping the 3 I’m considering?

And thank you!! I think they are gorgeous too. :love I am seriously having such a hard time deciding haha
Ooh yeah I would definitely take the one pullet out of there, actually the sooner the better I think. That many boys would over mate her, and very probably fight over her.
But you're right, introducing a single chicken to your flock really is harder. :idunno
should I take the lone female out?... it’s so hard to integrate just one I think? And idk of its shift their flock dynamics too much?

You could integrate the whole lot into your other flock, then later take the males back out. That would get the pullet integrated without being the only new bird at that time.

Of course, this would probably mess with the flock dynamics of all the males.

(Just throwing the idea out there in case it helps--I'm not actually sure if it's a good idea or not.)

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