I found it at a yard sale a billion years ago, and I've never found one like it since. I wish I still had it!! Lol

Yeah, I looked it up and it was all hooks for hanging scales (which seems kinda cruel for a live bird lol), produce basket scale things (which I’ll probably never get him to stay still in), kitchen scales (definitely way too small plus I have one), egg scales (even though I Googled CHICKEN scale), etc. :lau :th maybe I need a cat scale or baby scale or something haha
Brought 2 scales out here LOL

The scales said slightly different things but basically Jack is already almost 7 pounds. :eek: :th

Compared him to my biggest hen, a (probably fat) 4 1/2 year old Black Australorp. He’s around the same size :eek:

Oh wow!! I wonder how big he'll be when he's fully grown! :eek: Monster roo! Lol!!

Right!? He’s HUGE!! LOL I bet he’s gonna be over 10 pounds!

The boys are so mad right now lol everybody’s out but them 😂

I originally had Jack and the girl locked in the run and just the big girls out but when I weighed him, I let them stay out too and I also went and took the Wellie boy out too (selling the rest so need to be able to catch them lol) so 4 boys are locked in right now and they are MAD lol might move them to the bigger sunnier pen haha

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