So this "breeder" says he's never been outside in the why he's so white...and his eyes are kind of funny :hit:hit:hit
So step 1 for me was a bath...really see what we're working with. I literally thought the poor thing would preen whatsoever
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Dawn soap...I know I know not great for the oils but he was caked in feces and mud. She said he said in her brooder box bc he didn't click with the rest of the flock and chose on his own not to come outside...I think he can see up close but not far away...and possibly blind in one eye
Really that is animal cruelty. Will he eat? Okay clean water from now on and once he’s feeling better he’ll begin to preen. Fresh air and some warm sunshine good feed and extra bits will hopefully get him going good after a few weeks. I bet seeing that poor thing was a shock.
Oh it's absolutely animal cruelty and believe me once I get him settled and taken care of I'll be turning it into her local authorities...she's not doing the cotton patch breed any favors if this is how she's keeping the line...
Ugh...thank you so much miss lydia!! I needed your calm wisdom at this moment!! :hugs:hugs

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