Coyotes vs Wolves

.22 's are a nice small gun, it has done enough for my coons and wood chucks. Frequently I'll bait a live trap, shoot the critters there, then I know its quick, direct and don't miss. I have not had to kill a coyote YET. But I would shoot it if I had to, or neighbors dog seeings there is a leash law in Maine.
You can get super large live traps for dog/fox/coyote's too. I hate using the snap traps due to pets getting into them. Good luck!!!

What is that? Not even Google helps.

It will help if you look up .223(with the decimal in front). The ones that I found are assault rifles, though .223 is the caliber as I'm sure you know. The .223 caliber is the same caliber that's used in the M-16. But my husband has a .223 rifle that is a regular single load hunting rifle with a scope. His is made by New England Firearms.​
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I really like my Ruger 10/22. It can put a lot of lead in the air and would work for target practice or just plinking at varmints. It's can be a good dog gun if you don't have anything bigger and you can aim well.

When I hunt however, I take my Winchester .243 most of the time. It works great for animals in the ranges from coyotes to deer.
IMO its the best .22 made. NEVER a jam or a misfire. (Unless I'm cheap and buy crap ammo)

If its too big for a .22 I use my 30-06. (Springfield 1906)

A .22 WILL take down a coyote with a well placed shot. Or 10.
We had coyotes circling our place all night last night...Let me tell you I didn't sleep a bit! Hubby is off getting me some new materials for coops, and we are re-inforcing our coops today, rotating poultry to different pens, and getting out the shot gun!

I won't lie, I am terrified of the coyotes. About 3 years ago a pack of 12 were in our front yard in the middle of a wintry night. We've seen them come into our backyard in broad daylight.

My love for my flock is bigger than my fear, so I was out after dark last night and again today at 6 am checking on all of my birds. The coyotes were howling this morning at 5 am...scared the crap outta me and I leaped out of my bed, got dressed and dashed out the door with...nothing in my hands...stupid stupid!

I am relieved to report that for now, everyone is safe and I am praying they continue to be safe! My husband says it is because the cold season is coming up and they are out eating anything they can before it gets to cold to find enough food. Does anyone know if there is truth to that?
Winter is coming on that is true and the animals know it. Plus many are displaced from the flooding in the corn belt this year and the small game they usually hunt is diminished. Unless you have weak runs and coops they are more of a nusence than anything else. Oh and if they're howling they aint hunting, it's when all is quiet that you worry.
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Here are 2 suggestions:

1. Others have suggested re-inforcing your chicken pen & house, and that's very good advice. Also put up motion sensor lights if you can. When the light comes on the coyotes will probably bug out. If they get used to the lights and don't run off, then they make easier targets.

2. Coyotes are very sneaky and wary, so getting a shot at one is pretty hard to do. Around here they are more active at night, and that's when it's hardest to see one and get a shot at it. Tape a good bright flashlight with a pusbutton ON/OFF switch along the under side of the barrel of your .22 rifle. Shim it so that it shines right where the rifle is pointing when you turn it on. The ON/OFF switch should be right near your thumb when you are holding the rifle up and aiming it. Now you have an anti-coyote weapon that is effective 24/7.

You .22 rifle is adequate for coyotes. Aim for their chest cavity (lungs and heart), right behind the shoulder thru the ribs. Don't shoot at their head. The brain is pretty small, and if you don't hit it you just inflict a nasty and painful wound on the coyote. Even tho they are terrible predators, they shouldn't be made to suffer unnecessarily. A more powerful rifle would be more effective (and more humane). The .223 is a perfect coyote caliber. A shotgun (12 ga with #4 buck shot) is also a very good home defence (and livestock protection) gun and you don't have to worry as much about what's beyond your target. A rifle bullet (even a .22) can richochet and go a long ways, possibly hitting something, or somebody, far in the distance. A shotgun's pellets don't go much beyond 200 yards.

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