~Crazy 24hr Auction II ramblings~

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To be clear, the original 24 hour auction thread was permitted while the staff were trying to figure out an auction system for members to use, because members complained there wasn't an auction system. Now there is an auction system. To be fair to all members and to keep everything organized and consistent, all auctions should now be listed in BSA. This is the right thing to do and actually should have been done sooner.

There is no change in doing 24 hour auctions, except they will be individually listed by the seller in the correct area of the board and much easier to follow for people who would like to bid. I'm not sure I understand the problem.
I just checked out the BSA section, and I have just one question-- would it be okay to put 24 hr auction in the title of the auctions that are only going to last 24 hours? I looked at the posting section and saw that the selling time can be just 1 day, so that won't be a problem. I think it would be awesome to have the auctions under the official section, and adding the time to the title might add more interest, much like it did here. I also like the thought of the feedback... Thanks Nifty!
If you have a one day auction, you can certainly put in the title that it will only last 24 hours. I see nothing wrong with that. Since that is perfectly fine, there is no need to have a running auction elsewhere on the board. This fits the bill perfectly since chatter does not move the thread to the top of the list any longer.
You can name your auction whatever you like, within the rules of the forum of course. So yes, putting 24 hour auction in the title of your listing would be fine and yes they can be set to only last 1 day. Have fun!
Ok peeps the mods have asked us to send comments and questions as per posts by SPECKLED HEN/THE CHICKEN LADY
If we do that courteously and fairly we may could work out a revamped thread line to make everyone happy and continue in a workable venue to suit all
I personally have made a few friends here because of this thread and would like to see it continue in whatever forum setup is called for
Patience and courteous discussion is all we have to go with now that it has been closed
If everybody gets together I'm sure we could work this out
Pointing fingers and fussing at the mods will not help in this matter so lets all please make our comments a thoughts nicely and appropriately so we can try and get a workable thread back up as soon as possible

Not trying to put anyone out just trying to continue making friends here

To all Mods

Could there be a listing or post not sure what it would be but in the BSA with 24 Hour only auction section?
Then users could set a different thread of disscussion on the auctions posted there

Just a thought
Hey everybody!

First: thanks to those that have provided us with helpful feedback.

Second: please remember that everything we do, including the new features, policies, systems, etc. are put in place to help our community as a whole. We love BYC and work very hard to try to please all people all the time.

... of course, that's impossible with almost 50,000 members!

Some of the other staff that posted within the few posts before mine had excellent points. The BSA system is still pretty new and we know it isn't 100% perfect. We know that to some it feels a little more "unfeeling / cold" compared to topics like the 24 hour auction thread. With that said, during the first 3 years of BSA we saw a lot of problems with the old system and single thread listings and worked to find solutions.

There are a plethora of reasons why the new BSA system is better (for the community to use and the staff to moderate), for example: The old system and single ongoing threads don't support a good feedback system. The new system is very organized WRT feedback. You have no idea how often we were getting complaints and reports from things related to this. The new system has almost removed all these issues, which is great for members and the staff!

This is just one of MANY reasons why we put months into designing the new system and are working hard to encourage everyone to use it.

Again, please know that we do what we do because we love this community and want to see it thrive and grow. As stated above, we're open to feedback and suggestions. We know we aren't perfect and try not to be prideful and are open to constructive and helpful criticism, so if you have ideas and suggestions that will help keep things organized, but make them better and easier to use and to moderate, we'd LOVE to hear from you via PM or email.

Thanks for all you do to help build our amazing community. We look forward to having BYC even more streamlined and easy to use for the huge rush of new visitors and friends we expect to see over the next few months.

Sorry Jody, but you are wrong. We got the okay from terrilacy to start a new 24 hour auction thread, just a week ago at most. I don't see why we were told we could, then it got removed.
Jody is not wrong.

I was asked where to put a new auction for this year and as we had not finished discussion I told the person asking where to put the thread.
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