Crochet "Chat"

I'm here! And every single one of you gals (&guy) hahaha,.. arent here! Typical~ hehehehe
The girls are loving this move... There are 9 horses they can go visit with, so far, Shotgun and Lucy are thier favorites, they walk up to the fence to be loved on. Lucky would be my sneaky favorite. He sneaks up on me, and the only way I know he's there, there's a tickle on my hand and a gentle snort in my ear. lol
I had a job interview with the feed store nearby yesterday. Hopefully, it went as well as I hope. I really need this break from everything.
The chicks are doing great, Caydence has aquired some ducks.. Hey KAREN!! need help with doin ducks!!
So far, we have one of those muddy brownish-green lookin things... what breed? A yellow and black spotted/mottled crested things.. breed? three Roeuns(sp?) and another dark colored one, not sure of what exactly it looks like. I'll take some pics this afternoon, and either post them, or send them to Risu to post. lol

Well, back to the evil circle of laundry.... get it clean, wear it, wash it, dry it, fold it, wear it..... lol
Hi Skand!!

B-000--00000B is cute! Caydence looks like she is having fun. Glad the girls are having a good time & adjusting well. Wish you luck on the new job!!

Not much going on here. Getting closer to having this baby afghan done. It is like quilting, everything is pieced together.
This DD always seems to pick the cutest & most tedious (?sp) baby afghan. But I like the challenge!
Hey skand, I use to have some muscovies that looked that ugly color when they were little? See if the one with the army greenish/brown in this pic looks like yours?

Afternoon everyone

I guess I kind of dissapeared. Unfortunately I probably will be doing more of that. We have so much going on that there isn't much time for anything extra. I can't remember what I updated everyone on last, but a friend and I got the wall of windows textured, and the bar wall, and I got them primed the night before last. I'm pooped. I am having to pace myself. I would like to get the first coat painted on it tonight, but I just don't know if I will get to it, as I am not feeling well. I think my quarterly allergy attack has descended upon me
and I feel so run down.

It snowed big fat flakes today, but the air and ground temp wasn't cold enough so they didn't stick. Had a heck of a time telling the kids that there wouldn't be any snow, but since it has stopped snowing now, and the ground is still green, I imagine that it is sinking in now.

I have a really busy week ahead of me, and probably won't be able to post much, if at all. I've got a workshop on visual schedules for kids with Autism to go to, and on another day, I have a conference for parents with disabled children that familiarize them with the resources available from the state of Oklahoma. Both are things that help meet our immediate needs, so I am very thankful for them.

The baby is doing great
He is moving all over the place

Last night was my first uncomfortable night with him; I think he had one of his legs in my ribs. I hope this doesn't become a habit with him lol, my dd was like that nearly the whole third trimester.

Speaking of which ^_^ One of the other appts we have next week is DD's first dance class!!!!

She was born to kick her legs
She has spatial planning issues, and sensory issues, but nothing that is overtly noticeable by the untrained eye as of yet, so I hope she will do well. If not I'm okay with staying in the class and trying to physically place her where she needs to be to help her learn the moves. I don't think it's anything that will prevent her from doing well in it.
Just takes a little extra work.

Sorry to hear that your mom is still not feeling well Purr. I hope that they get to the root of the issue with her heart and are able to get her well soon.

Ris, I miss ya! Fellow preggo woman!!

I miss the rest of you too!

Please pray for us this week. It will be one that is fairly trying, in physical demands for me, but I think it will be well worth all the information that we will get from it.

Love you guys!!

edited for spelling
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Okie! Miss you too. I haven't been on much either really. Just sort of lurking.
I hope your trying week goes well and that you will get to rest still. Make sure you try. I hear ya on the allergies, ugh...hang in there!

I have a busy 10 or so days with my daughter's school bookfair coming up. The committee I got drafted to is understanding, but still workaholics and like to have all the members be the same way.

Skand! It's good to hear that the girls are liking the move. Are all the critters going to join you in Maine, if Maine is still in the plans? Good luck with the job, that sounds like a great place to get away and just think of all the little fuzzy butt orders you will get to play with there too.

Everyone take care. I hope that anyone in ND is faring ok with the flooding. And it looks like I will have to make sure my rain boots are out, because there's 2 weeks of it in my immediate future. This, following the lovely blizzard we had last night. Spring is not that pretty right now. *sigh* I sure hope it means middle April and May shape up. That's when I have stuff that needs doin' outside.
I am going back to bed now. These pre-dawn wake-ups are keeping me napping during the day, I tell ya...
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You preggers hookers need to take care of baby okies and baby squirrels!!! You could rested here this weekend, it's rained non-stop since thursday night, needless to say our season opener was pushed back a week, in fact it's still lightly raining this morning!! Very soggy here but the spring plants are loving it and it has washed all that spring pollen out of the air so it's not all bad,

Cute.... goats are next on my list to have.

Not sure if you were around when I talked about Spike, my daughter's pygmy goat we had for about 18 months in the backyard but before, you wont have anything green in your yard from about ground level up to 3 or 4 feet tall!! They are eating/pooping machines too, seems to be coming out as it's going in!! They sure would be good lot clearers!!

Miss you Sk
! Hope ya'll can survive till school is out and be able to do this all over again to Maine..unless you have changed that plan and are staying in Texas? Haven't heard. Hope you get the feed store job, I love everything about a feed store, the casual jean atmosphere, the smells, the country folks....would love to own and work one myself but hard to make a living with that being your only income, still I understand the allure!!
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Rocket that was a really interesting video! Thats the same reason I have been wanting to get a goat. Didn't know they loved poision oak. My mother will love to know that.
Thanks for sharing the video.
Way to go purple! Mine is getting closer!

Okie take it easy & hope your busy week or so goes smooth for ya.
Ris the baby is just getting you ready for the early morning wake up calls.

I was up early this am. Gave puppy a "treat" (roast bone) last night, she loved it. But this am around 5 she was upchucking.
Poor baby, guess she couldn't digest it.
Hello all, yes I am still alive and my chickens haven't eaten me yet! I am sorry that I dropped out of sight for awhile, but I am kinda back, I am only able to post once a week for now. I hope all of you are doing great and moving along fine. I thank all of you who have been pm and emailing and snail mailing me and trying to keep in touch it really helped me gett through these last few months. if anyone would like to pen pal with me to keep in touch more please let me know and I will give someone my addy to pass on. Other than that I will pm you back it just maybe a week or so as with the new puter rules here. this btw is my in-laws puter and the same rules apply to all the adult kids as they do the grandkids. so we get about 2 hrs a day and thats it and there is 8 of us trying to use this thing!
so all my posts will be few far and inbetween for now. well I hope all has a good day and I sure do miss everyone of you. Maw.

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