dd walked in her apartement Update: post 1

Can she have dogs at her apartment?
I know if someone came into our house uninvited there would be hell to pay! LOL

I would still call the police--just call the non-emergency number...and if it happens again, I would call while he's still in there. He's probably wearing her panties & eating her food, too!
I worked for a drapery manufacturer about 30 years ago. They made replacement drapes for apartment complexes. Every day I would go to apartment complexes and be given a hand full of keys to apartments that need drapes measured. I would measure and then install them later that week when they were made.

The apartments were always occupied with nobody home. All I did was knock before I went in. Never watched TV though.
OMG! Food.. never even thought about that..
What if he left her something in her food?... Ugh..
OMG! Food.. never even thought about that..
What if he left her something in her food?... Ugh..

I am a property manager, my tips:

Have her request a copy of her rental agreement if she can not find her copy.

Search the state laws concerning notice and allowed alterations.

Make sure they have her current contact info and write a letter requesting they contact a certain roommate for all repairs (I see one tenant take the mail regularly and fail to mention to others notices)

You might not be allowed to change the locks or add a chain with out the property owners permission (check that lease copy and your states law)

Once you know your states law, write the landlord a letter with a copy of the state law and send certified to the property managements office with a request stating how you want to receive notice of non emergency repairs (note if they only have to give you 24 hours notice and you request they mail the notice, you will get it after they have come in)

Make that counter report at the local police, you might need that if you get a big ppv bill (or long distance if you have a land line)

Good luck (look for a better place and get that nanny cam just in case too) Personally, I HATE anytime we have to go in to an apartment that is not totally vacant!
She still needs to call the police and report the incident. I have lived in many apartments in Texas and maintenance is not to enter w/o a valid repair work order. And the owners/office manager needs to notify tenants if there is a need to enter 24 hr prior unless emergency.
Watching TV is no emergency.
What state is it? I will look for renters rights myself in that state on the internet just to satisfy my curiosity about it. If it is a renters right to have been given notice i willpost what I find on here. That being said if that is the case then I still say bring it up to the authorities. I know it is reaching but if he has been there watching television then who knows what ekse he has been doing. You can learn a lot about people by going through their things. Can be anything from getting stuff to commit identity fraud to knowing more intimate things. That includes not only her but the husband and the best friend as well. In this day and age there are so many things that can be found out just by rummaging through trash. That is why I shred my stuff and burn what i can since I live in the country. Can't be too careful but I would definitely talk to an an attorney if the lease office doesn't do anything about it.
One of the first things I tell folks when they get an apartment is to yank out all the filters and date them. So when you get the "replaced the filters" b.s. you can yank yours and check to see if it's dated. No date = police call. I've worked too long in apartment management to not know what really happens when you aren't home.

When I was a young woman in her twenties, I came home somewhat late (around twilight) to find a man walking down the hallway towards me from the bedrooms. I immediately pulled out my pepper spray and let him have it until the canister was empty. I then called the cops from outside (thank the Gods for cordless phones!) and told them I wanted to press charges against whatever poor sod was in there.

Turns out it was my idiot landlord (I never turned on the lights, I just ran) who decided to use our interior staircase to get to the shared laundry downstairs instead of walking around (he lived on the 2nd floor, we lived on the 1st floor, they were independent of each other with separate entrances) in the rain. I immediately put a very large and heavy bookcase against the connecting door between his hallway and my bedroom to put an end to that crap. I also put a burglar latch on our basement door so he couldn't use it to enter our floor level. Every so often he'd call and ask permission to use our door, which we would only give when we had men over to supervise. And boy DID THEY!

He was a complete jackass the entire time I lived there. I told him he was lucky it was only pepper spray. I had a permit to carry a concealed handgun during that time because I was a bartender who dropped off the night's cash receipts.

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