DECEMBER Hatch-A-Long!😊

Ok I’m ignorant on shipped eggs and detached saddles. Does anyone have a picture or is there an article I might have missed on BYC? I keep hearing people receiving them, place them upright? Is that pointy end up?
I had one really bad saddle hatch last month! Incubated and hatched upright, pointy end down. I tilted side to side about 5 times a day. Chick had no issued hatching!

I used a mini cupcake carton that allowed about a 45* tilt, a bit more than regular egg carton. Also a great excuse to buy mini cupcakes!!

Also pic one of my current saddled eggs :(

i think this is day 11... 5B67E7DB-26ED-4644-ADBD-FAB1B0CF9FFE.jpeg

newly set saddle
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I had one really bad saddle hatch last month! Incubated and hatched upright, pointy end down. I tilted side to side about 5 times a day. Chick had no issued hatching!

I used a mini cupcake carton that allowed about a 45* tilt, a but more than regular egg carton. Also a great excuse to buy mini cupcakes!!

Also pic one of my current saddled eggs :(

i think this is day 11...View attachment 2438627

newly set saddle
View attachment 2438628
Great photos! 🙂 I had a silkie hatch from one that looked like that. I am trying the mini cupcake idea next time for sure, and not just because I want to eat the cupcakes!
Well, as of this morning (out of 11) we are up to six external pips, three internal, and two I strongly suspect of being late quitters. Shockingly, the video feed has NOT crapped out yet. I'm sure it will thirty minutes after I leave home for work, and can't possibly reset it, as it always does. I'm going to try and escape work early because I would like to be able to band just after hatching so I can keep track of which egg produced what. I'm also taking notes, to appease my sciencey little brain... 16072674137803329005335226551274.jpg

This is something like my 30th hatch, I dont know why I feel such a need to micro-manage...
Introducing, officially, Thing One and Thing Two, of unknown genetics - papa is a mix, and not sure which breed was mama (same for both, based on egg size, shape, color), but two of the potentials are themselves mixes... I **think** mama(s) are not the HH "Rainbows", their eggs tend to be a bit smaller. No sign of foot feathers, so "Golden Comet/Golden Sex Link" is the likely mama "breed". Mix x Mix = "Thing"

T1 & T2 will hopefully be joined by another of similar parentage, who externally pipped about 12 hours ago. A fourth sibling, of different mother, is a possibility - (s)he's moving around quite actively in the (much darker) shell, but has not yet pipped externally [edit]. If they both make it, that brings me to 33% success. Two other eggs look to have full grown chicks, but I'm seeing no movement (again, very dark shells).

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Hey Y’al!

I was NOT planning to be here but some eggs I ordered months ago with a long wait and hens not laying magically shipped! To my dismay arrived a day late and at least half scrambled 😣 So I not sure anything will hatch but I’ll try my best with the lot that arrived!

12 Silver Deathlayers set today... guessing most will be tossed by end of next week.

I filed a damage claim with USPS... Does anyone have experience with damage claims for detached air cells? At least 5 are full of bubbles (guessing they are straight scramble) the rest range from completely detached to extreme saddles halfway down egg.

Happy Holiday Hatching to you!
Not your fault since these eggs came out of the aether as it were, but there is no way in he double hockey sticks that I would knowingly have eggs shipped in the Christmas season after a bad experience many years back with shipped fish. American Flag Fish from Arizona were supposed to take at most 2-3 days to get here took 10 days. They were very expensive, shipping was very expensive, amazingly "only" half were DOA so all was not lost but I was not a happy camper I can tell you.
Just thought I would post my recent Serama hatch. They popped out yesterday and I placed them in my DIY brooder this morning. I had tried twice before with this breed and failed to hatch any, but I'm happy with what I got.
View attachment 2437831
View attachment 2437832
View attachment 2437833
I'm up to seven chicks on day 21. I have 2 more eggs in the incubator that I will hold till day 23 then they'll get tossed.

UPDATE: I candled the two remaining eggs, turns out they never formed. So I cleaned out the incubator, made some adjustments, and placed 6 of my SFH eggs in there for another hatch. I decided I couldn't incubate my GLW x SFH eggs. I'm scared to know how that would turn out. Anyway happy hatching.

Here is another update fluff photo:

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I had one really bad saddle hatch last month! Incubated and hatched upright, pointy end down. I tilted side to side about 5 times a day. Chick had no issued hatching!

I used a mini cupcake carton that allowed about a 45* tilt, a bit more than regular egg carton. Also a great excuse to buy mini cupcakes!!

Also pic one of my current saddled eggs :(

i think this is day 11...View attachment 2438627

newly set saddle
View attachment 2438628
Thank you LadyCraig for sharing photos and your explanation! It does look like an English saddle. I kept reading people were putting eggs right side up, I wasn’t sure if that was different from what I normally do.
Sally Sunshine has an excellent article on hatching eggs, also shipped eggs.
Tried to attach a link, but I could not get it to work.🤔 You can find it easily with the search function.

Photo of my horribly detached and saddled ameraucana eggs from last Spring, sitting upright (pointy side down) in their individual egg cups cut down from an egg carton. Only 3 out of 13 hatched. View attachment 2438596
Thanks LadiesandJane!

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