Great videos! Welcome to BYC! :frow Glad you joined.
Let me know how your pond works out with your chickens. We are installing another goldfish pond at our new and final place as we loved the one we built at our last house. But the last house didn't have chickens!

Thank you for the warm Welcome. I have lots of gold fish in my pond and I usually have the water fall running. I was surprised that my birds did not try to eat the fish. I have seen them fly over the pond and hang around, but never try to eat the fish. I will post some fish pond/water fall videos some time soon on my channel. If you subscribe with notifier you get notified when they get posted. Good luck with your pond. They are much easier than chickens..lol.
Hello Folks,
I just joined and it was suggested to introduce myself.

I am New to chickens. I just started in May 2018. Our town only allows 6 birds so I got 4 chickens and 2 Guinea hen.
The chickens are a Red Cross, 1 Buff Orpington, and 2 Plymouth rock ( 1 white 1 barred)
The original reason I got them was to natural get rid of ticks that are a problem in my area. I was not prepared because I did not even have the coop designed yet. After researching several designs I took the best features of each and started to build. Took longer than I thought , but not easy building by yourself and only working on nice weekends. Here is a link to my Chicken coop:

I quickly realized how much work it was to go out to open the coop and close. I wanted an automatic door. I tried to find one that was made with quality, but it turned out to be a bad design. It was sturdy and safe, but it was a terminator. My beautiful white chicken was sitting in door way on hot day and the door came down and she was trapped. The door was unforgiving and had no pressure sensor or safety features. It killed our favorite chicken. Back to researching when I found the door of my dreams. It was built with quality and many safety features. First it opens like a regular door would not like an execution style door. I has a battery with solar charger or trickle and it is so easy to install. I loved programing it because I just used the magnet that came with it. Once I set the time of my choice it remembered for the future. It also has no issue when power goes out cause of the battery. If it bumps chicken it will stop back a little and retry in a bit .
This is the door I got:

I even made a video on installing the door. It was pretty easy.

I have not been happy with the Guineas. The are kinda bullys. I like that they look for bugs and are tougher than a chicken so less animals will try to attack the coop. But they are loud at times and selfish. If I put food down for them and walk away and put another pile down for chickens they will go to that pile and chase them away also.. Greedy. I have to yell at them a lot. Also at night 1 Guinea goes in and 1 stays at the door. Sometimes I find chickens on ramp waiting to walk in to coop, but cant because the Guinea is blocking the entrance. Jerk!!! Two of the chickens deal with them , but the Buff Orpington is so "CHICKEN" that if they look near her she runs. She is scared of her shadow.
Now I need to get the coop prepared for winter. Oh and 1 chicken started to lay an egg a day about a week or to ago. It was my Red Cross.
:frow :celebrate :goodpost: :welcome

Congratulations and good luck with your mixed flock!

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