Do your chickens whine?


9 Years
Apr 14, 2010
Johnson City, Tn
Every morning when I go tend to the girls (my 8 tsc pullets) they whine incessantly. I fill up their feeder, they whine. I fill up their waterer, they whine. I collect eggs, they whine. The only time they stop is if I pet them although they aren't in the rooster loving mood in the early morning.

The afternoons are even worse. They whine and whine and whine. If I even reach toward them they squat and stomp waiting for their rooster rubdown which is a pat on the back ruffle of the neck feathers and a little tug of their back feathers. They fluff up and trot off all satisfied and quiet.

But egads is it a racket in the morning. It's like they're starved for my attention. I kind of like being doted upon by my flock but the racket is amazing.
I have one that hums all the time. It never stops. She sounds like a grumbling old lady. The only time she stops is if something catches her attention. It takes a couple seconds for her little pea brain to register what the disturbance was, and then she starts humming again. It's actually kind of annoying. She's still my favorite, though.
Get them a roo, he will give them all the attention they want and more. I bet they will stop making noise then.
I have one of thoses. She does sound like a worrisome old lady! Sometimes, when she isn't whining, I double-check to make sure it's really her.

She's my friendliest pullet, too. Follows me everywhere. If I ask her, "Molly, what's up?" she stops whining and looks at me, then starts up again.
One of my 4 hens is like that too. She makes that horrible noise UURGGGG UUUUURG (all day), and believe me her voice is the worst i ever heard. My sister which doesnt really love chickens was checking them out and she was like "eww what is wrong with her, what a cute voice" (ironic).

She is my favorite hen tho. Those chickens just seem to have more personality, imo. I dont think something is wrong with your rooster, because my rooster loves that whining hen and always makes out with her first, she follows him around everywhere.

Just social hens
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One of my Barred Rock hens is a whiner. I always ask her if she'd like some cheese with that 'whine' lol. I'd rather listen to her whine than listen to my Buff Orpington scream. Yeah, she's a screamer....but that's a different story.

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