Dog killed my chickens, I killed the dog

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You did the right thing ....
sorry for your loss
Yes you did the right thing. Here in California even if a dog is "worrying" livestock-which Poultry are-it can be shot. I know this cause just went through this my self. The dog owner said " I'll pay for your chicken. I said it's not money I want. I want you to keep your dogs under control (California Leash Law) Luckily my girl was okay. But this neighbor has been warned. Next time I will do just what you did! Good for You.
My very first 4-h project was a banty hen Miss Cluck. I had her in a small coop in the back yard for over 2 years. I would sit in her house and do my home work after school every day. One day I came home and some dog had torn threw the chicken wire on her run and all i had left of my best friend was a couple feathers and a bit of small intestine.

Oh how I wish that I could have made the dog owners pay! I was ten and it was the end of my world, I didn't get a chicken again for 18 years but now I have a lot and I have a loaded shot gun in the kitchen ready to go!
I'm so sorry


Very sorry to hear that. I also lost a 12 year old smart one a few years ago, boxer/retriever mix. He was one with a very strong prey drive so was never allowed near the birds. He dispatched several cats who were unfortunate enough to jump into my fence in my former neighborhood without a mark on him.
When you ask a dog person you get a completely different response compared to when you ask a chicken person.

I have a 2 year old son, the last thing I need is a dog coming up in the yard scaring him, he is already scared of dogs, If I wouldn't have taken care of this problem now, next time it might have been my son.
I don't have any neighbors at the moment but soon will. Someone bought 240 acres next to me & is selling the land in 5 to 10 acres for ranchettes. Bummer!! I live on a hundred acres that's been in harmony forever. I've already posted signs for no trespassing. Along with neighbors come kids & dogs I like both but know that there dogs will escape & haunt my livestock. When they move in I will knock on their door & explain to them in a nice manner LOL your dog crosses my fence its not gonna be pretty. I will probably have to sell & move on. Another bummer I'm getting older & coops are becoming harder to build I hate moving & starting over. I can't imagine building all my pens over again. Progress suxs. Just my opinion. This has already happened to me before.
Jennifer - I'm sorry for your loss but proud that you were able to shoot a gun, much less a dog. I'm glad you did what you had to do. I know it's not much consulation but I hope they have to pay for the chickens and you can start over. Keep us posted about what happens and what your going to do.

I am a DOG and and CHICKEN person.

My dog would kill ALL my chickens .. she hasn't, BECAUSE we are responsible dog owners and are VERY careful to supervise the dog when she's out .. and not let the dogs and chickens out together.

Oh the flip side, I lost one of my dogs on Jan 1. While out on a potty break, they took out after a deer in the woods. By the time I got dressed to head out to find them, the lab was back, but Rio was not.

I never found him.

My two assumptions are:

He was hit by a car and went into the woods and died.

He was shot. He was NOT a friendly dog and a real challenge to keep. He lived happily and safely with us for almost 8 years. I miss him dearly, but understand that if he emerged onto someone elses property and either chased their livestock OR barked and growled at the owner .. he was probably shot.

I would shoot to protect my livestock and/or my family .. period.
I'm so sorry for your loss.
I lost one of my hen by dog attack, too. I couldn't find the dog or owner...
I called animal control but they couldn't do anything either.
You did right thing, I love dogs but I will act same as you for my chickens and my kids.
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