Dog rips both her wings off!!!

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On a very determined dog a shock collar will not be very effective and on most pits all it does is make them mad. If the dog was bred from a line of agressive dogs the behavior is there and there is not much that you can do to change it without professional training. That is one problem with rescue dogs, the background is not known and the early training/socialization is very important.
Now I'm not saying that it can't be done but I believe that it will take someone that really knows their stuff to do it.
Well my girl made it through the night again. She is probable thinking if this human would quit waking me up during the night I might get a good nights sleep. She slept late this morninng as she did yesterday. The brooder room is dark with the curtains drowning out the light. Like I said I wanted her nice and comfortable, and quiet so she wouldn't die of shock. Now I think she just need the quiet.

I got her a better heat sourse yesterday and I can tell she likes it. I did manage to trim her feathers back so they are not dragging the ground.

Shelley had a idea to wrap a rubber band around the wing area that needs to come off. This sounds like a good idea but I don't think I can get the rubber band around the feathers she has left. I don't want to aggravate the area any more than I have to.

She is loose in my brooder room right now eating her scrambled egg I gave her for breakfast. She gave me this look like "it's about time." She must be feeling better today.

I have someone to help me to better acces the wing and see what action will be taken today if any as far as removal. It may be still too soon.

Question: I have both penecillin and baytril. There are no signs of infection yet but I want to go ahead and start her on one of these drugs. I need to know which one would be better to give her and of course the dose. She is a half grown game hen and I don't have any way to weigh her. My friend owns a feed store and she suggested less than a half of a cc on the peniccilin but didn't know about the baytril. I will continue looking for a scale today. Does anyone have any idea about the dose. Thanks, SARA
Glad you got someone to help you today, that kind of stress is best shared. I can't help with the med's guess I would start the one I knew about and pen works for just about anything.

Saying prayers here for a steady hand and a great healing.

Thanks again for keeping us updated.
chilling in muscadine wrote: Question: I have both penecillin and baytril. There are no signs of infection yet but I want to go ahead and start her on one of these drugs. I need to know which one would be better to give her and of course the dose. She is a half grown game hen and I don't have any way to weigh her. My friend owns a feed store and she suggested less than a half of a cc on the peniccilin but didn't know about the baytril. I will continue looking for a scale today. Does anyone have any idea about the dose. Thanks, SARA

Glad to hear she's alive, if not kicking, yet!

Review dlhunicorn's post in the thread, here (re:Baytril)
Just checked on my hen and she is walking around the brooder room like she doesn't have a care in the world. Maybe the tissue is starting to die and I can take care of that other wing for, My old man says we need to wait longer. This is driving me crazy. After all this I feel like I will need meds of my own to calm my nerves.

I named her today. I can't keep calling her chicken after all she has went through . How does Sadie sound to ya'll.

Please pray for us, we will need it. Thank's, SARA
I read the part about rescuing the dog 3 years ago and he has never gotten out of his pen before, and assumed he was one of those dogs that lives in a pen in the back yard and does not come out (and go for walks, come in the house, hang out with people and other animals). It sounded like he lived in a pen all of the time. If there are 3+ dogs on the property who must be separated, it still sounds like dogs are living in enclosures most or all of the time. I guess I prefer the sissy dogs myself. My 90lb dobie lives with another dog, 2 cats, 40 free range chickens, and 2 toddlers. He is a rescue as well, but trained, and has proven himself to be trustable after some work. I just don't understand the reason people keep aggressive dogs at all. A dog that will get out of it's pen and attack farm animals, is just as likely to run down the street and encounter humans or someone else's pets. Unless you live in the middle of nowhere, or have a really good perimeter fence, an untrained and aggressive dog is an accident waiting to happen. Most dog attacks are not on strangers, they are on family members anyways. Digressing away from chickens. Back to chickens--

In answer to your meds question, you really should weigh the bird, especially if you are considering using Baytril (This is a FARAD banned drug in food animals)- I hope whomever gave or sold you the drug has given you advice on what that means for this bird forever. They should also give you the dose, or do you have a left over bottle of dog or cat meds? Ask your neighbors for a baby scale or a kitchen scale, a person who cans things will have one. Or a human scale, weigh yourself, then step on with the bird and subtract yourself.

Is it not possible to take your bird to someone who can actually do a surgery with anesthetic- clean and cut away the dead flesh and contaminating feathers + weight your bird, give you systemic antibiotics with directions, pain meds ect....Then you don't have to mess around with rubber bands.

I think Sadie is a PERFECT name! I, also, will keep her in my prayers. #@!!% DOG!!! Question: Is the baytril liquid? And is it pink? I've gotten baytril from the vets in liquid AND pill form but can't for the life of me remember the dosage. Perhaps your state vet could assist you or the much revered Peter Brown? Wishing your little girl the best!!

Sadie sounds like a lovely name. Take a look at the tissue on the wing near the break and see if it is normal colored. If it is, leave her wing a bit longer. Let that tissue die if possible. You may need to take her to the vet for a surgical amputation of it.

Do you have it bandaged up so she is not dragging it/it hanging?

I would give her antibiotics as a precaution just because of the fact there are wounds.

Let us know how she does today and what the assessment results are.
Check your pms... please, if you can, get a photo of that wing and the area you suspect you will need to remove the wing at...
I do not think your bird has been under any substantial pain becuase of the shock (birds brains are wired differently) ... the pain (if any) would come after the shock wears off which is often not for a few days.
Truly rest and quiet...daily flushing of the those wounds (first with sterile saline) and getting over the shock is what will help her best in the short term
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How about you cut a long rubber band in half and just tie it tight? That should have the same effect as the rubber band, without having to go over the wing feathers. She should be fine without wings, though a bit colder than the other chickens. I will bet she develops arnold swartzaneger legs hopping up on the perch.
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