Ducks keep screaming!

That's interesting. They tend to quack MORE when the patio light is on. There is still another patio light on the other side of the yard, but they do NOT like it when we don't turn it off (or so it seams).

They are in a closed run with access to underneath the chicken coop, but fully enclosed. They prefer to just sleep out in the run though, and never go underneath.
They don't have something like a house where they can stay warm through cold nights?
Oops! - You're in SoCal, never mind!
My ducks have a cozy house with straw on the floor, nesting boxes and plexiglass windows to look outside, but since i have added a run to the house most of them prefer to stay outside overnight. Except for when the weather is really bad, like horizontal rain for example.
My ducks do that when they are hungry, but also when I dare give them "only" the dry stuff, they want green beans and if they dont get them they go quak-quak-quaaaaak! so the whole neighbourhood knows what going on. Its because they are spoilt rotten and I have to do something about it. ... :) Once they got their expensive beans they are quiet (for a while) ... Lol
Have you tried to grow fodder for them? Fodder is much cheaper than beans:
Guess what season it is in the Northern Hemisphere?! - Its FODDER Season! 🍀
My ducks have a serious cat-food addiction and when they want they cat-food they want it now! And the whole valley knows it! 😂
Yes they quack loudly as well when released from the coop. Our duck’s loud quacks usually last for more than a couple seconds, thats the issue.
Same with mine I need major help . I know it's for attention but I need it to stop cus I will be out with her four HOURS and onde I decide to go in its non stop quacking and I mean...FOR HOURS

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