Easter Egger egg with speckles?


5 Years
Jun 29, 2018
Hi Guys!

Our 8 month old Easter Eggers have finally started laying!

One girl gives perfect minty green/baby blue eggs and our other gives us olive green with speckles.

I know variations are the norm but I wanted to make sure the speckles are ok and nothing to be worried about.

Thanks in advance!
Pigment speckles there...Nice!!
Nothing wrong at all, speckles may change day to day or over time.

'Speckled' eggs can happen for several different reasons...very few, if any, of which are a 'problem'.
Can be caused by:
Excess or uneven pigment coating.
Excess or uneven cuticle(bloom).
Excess calcium deposits.
Porous eggs can appear speckled.
Some birds lay them consistently, some only once in awhile.
The pigment or bloom can change appearance when wet, then change back when dry again.

As long as bird is getting a good diet and is healthy in every other way, it is no cause for concern.
Congratulations on your first eggs! As @aart stated, there is nothing wrong with them.
I love my speckled eggs. It adds interest to the carton when I'm selling for top dollar. Customers love the variety. Nutritionally, the eggs are the same.
I have a girl that lays speckled eggs too. Totally normal for her. I would only be concerned if a solid layer suddenly started laying speckled eggs because that could possibly be indicative of nutritional changes/needs.


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