When did your chicken start to lay?

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It's hard for me to vote because my quail d'Anvers began at 16 weeks but my bantam Buckeyes who are 9 months old now have yet to lay, as have my blue d'Anvers. So I put 16 weeks even though I'd rather check all the boxes.
It was hard to vote one answer- I have a variety of hens. The Copper Marans didn't mature for about 24 weeks and started laying smallish dark brown eggs - they have gotten bigger. I don't know about the Splash Marans. She only lays eggs sporadically and not very many. And she is more white than Splash. She also started around 24 weeks. The The Wyandottes started about 24 weeks also. I think the Orpingtons started around 20 weeks. I only have one left - a 3 year old English Mottled Orpington who lays every now and again. The Speckled Sussex started about 20 weeks.
Novogens are a hybrid developed from Rhode Island Reds and Leghorns. Mine have been laying for almost a year now, and they lay consistently almost every day. I love them.

Henrietta and Bettina: View attachment 2000163
Gwen:View attachment 2000164

Novogens are a hybrid developed from Rhode Island Reds and Leghorns. Mine have been laying for almost a year now, and they lay consistently almost every day. I love them.

Henrietta and Bettina: View attachment 2000163
Gwen:View attachment 2000164
Oh my! They are simply stunning ! Thank you for sharing! :)
I voted. We have 4 Cinnamon Queens that seemed to be our first to lay this week 22 weeks old, 4 Buff Orp just starting to lay 22 weeks old (same age as Queens), 3 EE not laying yet 22 weeks old. We have 3 bantams, a Polish and 2 Cochins, they are now over 8 months old and still nothing.
I love Polish hens! Thanks for voting hopefully they'll start cranking out eggs soon:)
Update!! We got another one today!! So, clearly, it’s from our new EE pullet! I’m so proud! That explains why there was a tiny bit of blood on it...I thought one of the adults was stressed from the cold...it was 3* two days ago. But..it was the new EE! And, we were always only getting 8 since winter..we got ten today...so, one of the other pullets has started too!! Yeeehaaa!! Is it ok it I say we bought more sexlinked..black..tonight..and RIR...they are mostly laying...so we scooped them up...we’re in business!!
All right! Way 2 go!
It was hard to vote one answer- I have a variety of hens. The Copper Marans didn't mature for about 24 weeks and started laying smallish dark brown eggs - they have gotten bigger. I don't know about the Splash Marans. She only lays eggs sporadically and not very many. And she is more white than Splash. She also started around 24 weeks. The The Wyandottes started about 24 weeks also. I think the Orpingtons started around 20 weeks. I only have one left - a 3 year old English Mottled Orpington who lays every now and again. The Speckled Sussex started about 20 weeks.
So cool (sound like you have a wonderful mixed flock! ) thanks 4 voting! Please tell your friend about this poll and ask them to vote to ! :)
I have 3 pullets - not sure what they are other than possibly part black langshan - at 35 weeks and *maybe* one egg a week ago. It was on the poop board and I saw one of them laying there the night before (on the camera). The older girls all basically use the same nest box, so don't think it was from any of them.

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