EMERGENCY!: duck was attacked by raccoon, feathers and skin ripped off of neck

Last night one of my drakes was attacked by a raccoon. All of the feathers and skin have been ripped off of the back of his neck, I'm not sure if the same goes for the front. I also believe that he is now blind in one eye as I can see his right eye socket stick out from his head. He's not moving much right now, he has his head resting on the side of his box and has been like that for about an hour now. He was moving around a little not too long ago, he would even occasionally drink water. He's been crying and I completely freaked out because I have no idea how to care for his wound at all, let alone without scaring him more.

Please help me!!! I want him to live but can't afford a pet hospital right now. I am willing to care for him until he's better, he's one of my pets after all. Let me know any tips or something that can help me. Thank you all.

Below is a photo of his current resting position.
TRIGGER WARNING: wounded duck

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There is a something that I use. It's a black salve used for cattle and horses, but I use it on myself and all my animals. It has 20% Ichamathol. This will not only heal her neck, but will STOP the pain almost immediately. If she'll let you, put it all over her neck, wrap it with gauze and ace band aide. Check on it periodically. Feed her sugar water if she refuses to eat after a couple of days. She may be in shock for a while. Hope this helps. Pray.

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