Expectant parent club! Where the pregnant people hang out.

Home births are great! Although, your new insurance may not cover them so look into it. If not, they are much cheaper than a hospital birth and you may be able to swing the cost out of pocket? I would do a home birth if my husband wasn't such a clean freak. I am thinking I may be able to convince him for later kids

I think my husband would burn our house down, no kidding! lol

Just checking in with you ladies!
I had my 34 week appointment today, baby was all over the place! Jabbing knees and elbows, then stretching out side to side so far the doctor said I was measuring about 2 weeks behind. She was assuming it was due to the baby's odd positioning pulling the fundal height down, but she set us up for a "growth check" ultrasound for next week to be sure everything was on track with baby's size. I am certain all is well, but this got DH all worked up that something might be wrong
. I swear he is one of those people who like to worry. I've always been one of those people who trust my gut, when I know something is fine I don't bother with the worrying. Come Wednesday, we will get to see our little one and hopefully have a few more pictures to give to all the grandparents!
One of my very best friends came over to my house today and took some photos of me, and a few of me DH and the dogs. She can make a shot of a trash can look like art so I am excited to see how these all turn out. She wants to get a few more done next week as well. It is tough to be the focus of so much attention, I will be so grateful when the baby arrives and can take the spotlight off me
The end is near, I am starting to feel it! Just over 2 weeks until my shower. For some reason though, I have a hard time realizing that at the end of all this..... WE ARE HAVING A KID?!?!?!
Anyone else feel this way at all?

I would love to see some of your pictures! I am looking for ideas :D

I'm expecting in April with our first too! Very excited and so are the grandparents. We've been married 7 years and I think they were about to give up on us. We're not finding out the sex until it's here, so for now we call it "The B" :)

The DH is just hitting the "we are having a kid" phase. He's looking a little dreamy eyed! I'm ready to rock n roll!

Well, I did not clean out the coop yet! I had a little bleeding today. My midwife just thought I've injured my cervix, which is good news! So I'm on cervical rest for a couple of weeks (although, I may make it for the rest of the pregnancy
) so that it can heal up. Sorry, hubby! So I don't really have to readjust life or anything (thankfully!!!), but no fun times for hubby and I. I don't want any worries about our little guy. Third pregnancy, most likely the last, and this is the first time I've had any bleeding of the sort. Gotta be kept on your toes, right!?!

How are you feeling?
I'm preggo with #9. I had a complete placenta abruption with my first son Garrett resulting in a stillbirth but they brought him back. He was severely disabled and passed away at 3.5. My daughter Ella-Gracie is 5 and my son Clint is 8 mths. I'm preggo and due the first week of July. I have very high risk pregnancies( hellp syndrome,preeclampsia, placenta previa or placenta abruptions with every one) and I have had 5 miscarriages both early and late so this would be #9. We find out boy or girl on the 4th. We are an "open to life/quiverful" family so we leave our number of children up to God. ( No birth control) Congrats Mamas :)
I'm preggo with #9. I had a complete placenta abruption with my first son Garrett resulting in a stillbirth but they brought him back. He was severely disabled and passed away at 3.5. My daughter Ella-Gracie is 5 and my son Clint is 8 mths. I'm preggo and due the first week of July. I have very high risk pregnancies( hellp syndrome,preeclampsia, placenta previa or placenta abruptions with every one) and I have had 5 miscarriages both early and late so this would be #9. We find out boy or girl on the 4th. We are an "open to life/quiverful" family so we leave our number of children up to God. ( No birth control) Congrats Mamas :)

Congrats mama! I have to say I admire your bravery, getting preggo again after all that heartache, not to mention risk to yourself. How far along are you now? I also see you're in the process of adopting a child with Down's - again, I admire you for that b/c to be completely honest, I don't think I could deal with it. Hope you have a happy/healthy pregnancy all the way through this time!
I'm preggo with #9. I had a complete placenta abruption with my first son Garrett resulting in a stillbirth but they brought him back. He was severely disabled and passed away at 3.5. My daughter Ella-Gracie is 5 and my son Clint is 8 mths. I'm preggo and due the first week of July. I have very high risk pregnancies( hellp syndrome,preeclampsia, placenta previa or placenta abruptions with every one) and I have had 5 miscarriages both early and late so this would be #9. We find out boy or girl on the 4th. We are an "open to life/quiverful" family so we leave our number of children up to God. ( No birth control) Congrats Mamas :)

I applaud your decision!
It is a very tough road to travel. Who is the baby in your picture?
Congrats mama! I have to say I admire your bravery, getting preggo again after all that heartache, not to mention risk to yourself. How far along are you now? I also see you're in the process of adopting a child with Down's - again, I admire you for that b/c to be completely honest, I don't think I could deal with it. Hope you have a happy/healthy pregnancy all the way through this time!

I am about 15 wks now :) Yes we have been in the process of adopting a child with Downs Syndrome for some time now. We will also be foster parents and adopting that way at our next duty station in a few years.
I got to spend almost 4 years with my son Garrett who had quadreplegia cerebral palsy,eplilepcy, profound mental retardation, 100% G tube fed, was 100% non verbal and immobile. I loved every last second of my precious time with him. I worked for quite some time as a CNA with Down Syndrome patients at facility. It will be a breeze compared to CP and I can't wait! :) You would also be amazed what you could deal with if it were your own child. :)
Congrats! You are in good company, there are plenty of us on here who have gone through our fair share of challenges and heart ache as well
I hope this pregnancy treats you well and you have your sweet babe in your arms in what seems like no time!
hippiehen- As soon as I get a copy of all the photos I will share. My friend is so creative, I told her to just tell me what to do
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hippiehen - thanks for asking! I am doing fine. I had some spotting for a week and it stopped. I still need to clean up the coop!

I'm really feeling pretty stuffed and ready to go, but need at least another three weeks for baby to finish cooking. : ) Hubby needs to put up the crib and changing table. I've got baby's clothes all put away. My church is throwing me a shower in a week, which is really kind! They do it for all pregnant ladies who go there. So I'm excited to get together with everybody.
wow, your church gives baby showers! thats awesome! I mean, what a good way to welcome a new member!

I'd like some advice from you experienced moms; where do I locate a good selection of quality maternity clothes/nursing bras where I won't be spending a fortune?

My sisters gave me some of their clothes, but honsestly one sister is slightly shorter than I am and was pregnant a long time ago (so I get highwaters and outdated wear-at-home only clothes) the other sisters were both much heavier pre pregnancy than I was and I can't fit anything now or maybe ever. And I noticed that some of the clothes weren't made well at all, the elastic was flipping around in the material, the colors were faded and the shirts had lost shape (thats what you get if your sisters had enormous boobs I guess). So......I would like to know where I can pick up a few quality peices that will last me through all my pregnancies I intend to have without shelling out a fortune at a botique style store. I think I should add that I boycott Walmart, not that they have quality items.

So far I'm going to check out Old Navy & Gap for some basic maternity jeans, some online stores and I already looked at Target (their in store maternity section is really confusing) and I looked at Babies r us (horribly overpriced as far as what they offer).

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