Fays BLR Wyandotte & Whitmore Farms Marans/Welsummers/Ameracaunas blog

I cleaned out the bator today.....

The last Marans did not make it. The chick did not look good after coming out. I do have the rest though with 8 chick total with the variety as I stated earlier.

I have some more coming and will post the event on a different thread.

I have 12 Peachick's very blue egg Wheaton Ameracaunas, 24 of a variety from Buddy Henry with 6 Wheaton Marans, 6 BC Marans, 6 Light Sussex, 6 BLR Wyandottes. Will of Whitmore Farms is sending me some more to make up for the damage the Post Office did and the poor outcome of this hatch. He did not have to do this and I am very grateful for him doing that. I payed for the postage of course. I should have 48 or more eggs coming to try and hatch...... That is going to be some incubation event!!!!

Davony's chicks,

Look for the next incubation. It should be very good..... I hope anyway.
Here the chicks are 1.5 wks old and starting to feather in. I had to put one Blue Copper Marans down due to a severe developing leg deformity.

The BLR Wyandotte is getting some nice colors.



Fay, I keep the floor clean and make sure the water is fresh and the food full. They seem to grow fast all on their own....


I don't think you can really sex them at this early stage.

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