~<>~ Fight or Flight ~<>~ (A Wild Chicken Roleplay)

"Yeah, I bet you are.", Stone replied half sarcastically. "Alright let's work on your attack skills. Come at me."
Stripe's hackle feathers rose, he lifted his head, and charged. The 2-month-old cockerel let out a loud squeak when he bumped harmlessly against Stone's chest. He fell to the ground, staring up at Stone with disappointment in his eyes.
"Good try", Stone clucked. "Do it again."
Stripe looked at him with dismay, then prepared to charge again. C'mon Stripe, you can do it... just rush forward. Stripe backed up, then rushed forward, his wings flapping. He flew toward Stone's head with his tiny claws aimed at his comb.
Goldenfeather stared at his flock
Fluff played with her siblings
River looked around for Tiny and Fast "Tiny Fast it is time to train"
(I need someone to make an evil War Chief for Claw Flock. @ChickenCowboy02 ?)
Wing pecked Fluff's beak. "We should try to escape from Cloud." he peeped excitedly. Cloud was nearby fussing over a piece of spiderweb on Feather's head.

Tiny rushed toward River, almost bumping into several chickens. "Can we learn tree-fighting techniques? I'm really good at flying!" she chirped.

Fast came after his sister more slowly.
Needed characters: more Herbalists in both flocks, evil War Chief for Claw Flock, Top Broody for Claw Flock, more Goldenfeather supporters, Top Forager of Wing Flock, Eldest Herbalist of Wing Flock

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