~<>~ Fight or Flight ~<>~ (A Wild Chicken Roleplay)

"Good," River said "Goldenfeather shouldn`t have took trainees" She muttered low so no one but they could hear but she didn`t even know she had said it loud enough for them to hear
Tiny looked hurt. "We did great, River!" She peeped, "We didn't even get hurt! Goldenfeather was smart to bring us." She said, looking disappointed at what her trainer had said.
Fast looked at Tiny, then River. But, he didn't reply. Maybe...maybe, River is right.
Tiny looked hurt. "We did great, River!" She peeped, "We didn't even get hurt! Goldenfeather was smart to bring us." She said, looking disappointed at what her trainer had said.
Fast looked at Tiny, then River. But, he didn't reply. Maybe...maybe, River is right.
"You two did do great but Tiny you and Fast are the closest things I have to friends he put you two in danger, you could have died, if you would have you can not imagine what I could- would do" River said in a low voice
Silverfluff giggled again, then became *slightly* more serious. "Can you show me how to do that? That was really cool!
"Well, you have to be really quiet and slow." Stripe explained. "You can't step on anything, and you gotta pounce only when you're super close to your target." He demonstrated, jumping forward in a "pounce". He flapped his wings and landed in a shrub.
"You two did do great but Tiny you and Fast are the closest things I have to friends he put you two in danger, you could have died, if you would have you can not imagine what I could- would do" River said in a low voice
Tiny looked angry. "Anyone there could've died! Goldenfeather lessened the odds of any chicken dying by bringing us to up the patrol's numbers." She explained.
(is the next day gonna come soon? So Storm can go to the healer den)
Name: Kestrel
Age:2 months

Flock: claw
Trainer/Trainee(s): Open, needed
Personality: snappy, clever.
Breed/Description: Mixed. Has some Sebright in him, he is black with a pea comb, white tipped wing and tail.
Parents: n/a
Siblings: n/a
Mate/Crush: none
Chicks: none
History: Nothing huge.
"Well, you have to be really quiet and slow." Stripe explained. "You can't step on anything, and you gotta pounce only when you're super close to your target." He demonstrated, jumping forward in a "pounce". He flapped his wings and landed in a shrub.

Tiny looked angry. "Anyone there could've died! Goldenfeather lessened the odds of any chicken dying by bringing us to up the patrol's numbers." She explained.
"Tiny It`s not really this but this and other things he has done...... Tiny terrible things have happened before and since you and Fast hatched it was not always like this this flock once didn`t fight with Wing flock we were at peace but since then things- horrid things have happened things i wish I had not saw. I Can`t loose you two like I did the others." River said softly she felt as if her heart had broke "They never will know what he did but they won`t end up like the others I`ve lost."

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