First pair of Geese

Nov 22, 2019
I bought my first pair of Geese today from a friend i’ve been wanting them a few months now and went out of a whim and got them (last time it was turkeys) but i’ve never raised geese before I had ducks before in the past but I wasn’t a fan of them. So i’d like any helpful tips or suggestions. Thanks!


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The most helpful tip I can think of at the moment is, #1 never feed goslings “should you have them come spring” medicated feed, it’s toxic to them, and #2 research a good poultry vet in your area.
I don’t even feed medicated feed to my chickens it’s pointless imo. Ive looked into vets but don’t have anyone even close to me.
Let's see...goose care 101

*Feed- I use an all flock pellet made by Nutrena, but there are many different brands that offer it. Any of the all flock/flock raiser is what you should look for. This time of year when grazing is at a minimum, I've been keeping an eye on the clearance produce. Anything green is a fave of the geese.

*Water- Constant supply, deep enough to dunk their whole head. They enjoy baby pools to clean themselves also.

*Shelter- Mine roam all day and only use their beds at night (sometimes). However, depending on your location and predators, it's a good idea for them to be locked up safely overnight. The biggest concern with any waterfowl housing is that it stays dry.

That's a very broad, general overview of it...any particular questions would be easier :D
We've got a lot of great goose people here so don't hesitate to ask..and share lots of pics!! :D
I know..keeping poultry seems so common too.

I know right, a new vet just opened business near where I live, I got excited because years ago there was a farm vet who used to work at the same location. NOPE! She only sees cats and dogs. There are five other vets in the vicinity and they only see cats and dogs too.

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