Oh man, so I was worried about the Littlest being so little and reached out to the woman I got them from and she’s thinking it’s a boy and a girl. I’m pretty sure (but not certain) that Big is also a boy ... I’m not going to freak out yet but ...

What if I have to rehome one? I’ll be so sad! I don’t think we can add another five ladies to the flock ...


How about another 3? 2 each per drake? unless you think you could part with one.. We'll just hold out for 3 girls 1 boy. :fl

Oooooooh buddy this sure is a pickle! I really hope that you've got the mash up you're hoping for. I would seriously consider Miss Lydia's advice and get 3 more... It would be such a bummer to have to rehome a ducky that isn't a jerk. But at the end of the day, you also want to make sure everyone is happy and safe.

I do not envy you. I spent a lot of extra $$ to make sure I got all females. Y'all are gamblers taking a chance like that! :lol:
@Julie Birb Well, we had two at first, one we knew for sure was a girl and the big black one we aren’t sure of. The female sadly passed away so we got two more and were told one was a girl but the woman had recently had a bad experience vent sexing so we had to take our chances on the second one ... We shall see!

Next time (if there is a next time!) I will surely get sexed ducklings to avoid this stress ... I love the two that we are unsure of, so I hope the mix shakes out okay ... I really don’t want to rehome any (but I’m not sure we can accommodate too many more!)
@Julie Birb Well, we had two at first, one we knew for sure was a girl and the big black one we aren’t sure of. The female sadly passed away so we got two more and were told one was a girl but the woman had recently had a bad experience vent sexing so we had to take our chances on the second one ... We shall see!

Next time (if there is a next time!) I will surely get sexed ducklings to avoid this stress ... I love the two that we are unsure of, so I hope the mix shakes out okay ... I really don’t want to rehome any (but I’m not sure we can accommodate too many more!)
I'm so sorry the female passed away. That's sad. I hope the current ones you have are both girls, too. The waiting is agonizing. Keep us posted.
Littlest is SO little!

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