I love those names @jennybvcr :gig

While I’m obviously a little partial, I am really enjoying the Anconas. Though I don’t have a ton of first hand experience with any other breeds, so take that with a huge grain of salt!

Been trying to work on the spot for the coop and had a major DIY fail tonight. Thought I had “leveled” the area “well enough” ... Clearly that was not the case! Total lopsided disaster!


I guess that’s what happens when the Paver Wizard (aka my partner) has to work late!

Yayyyy! Still crossing my fingers that we end up with an appropriate ratio.


Also, just a silly couple screen shots from the Ducko-cam ... I love how they’re always lined up from Big to Little to Littlest.


Still thinking Heuy, Dewey and Louie regardless of gender. Got to see if I can sell my partner on it though.
Got the paver foundation laid tonight, this time it’s actually level (though I miss calculated and had to add extra pavers at the end so now its not a pretty pattern but I’m so exhausted I don’t even care...)

Not sure the ducks will care, but I’m pumped to be done with Step 1!



Did some doodling and I think we are just going to take the current hoop shed apart and use all of the materials to make a slanted roof coop that opens onto a semi-covered run I ordered ... Yay! More work!

And because I know people enjoy duck photos more than scribbles ...

5C191724-195B-45E1-B0F0-952F058A1029.jpeg A8B7E967-80AA-4A83-8B32-0A51CD9018E1.jpeg C7589560-ED99-4A67-AEB1-AA95AC4A1961.jpeg 608BEC73-0849-4E7F-BEC4-FF463BF659A3.jpeg

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