I was thinking about getting them a sprinkler and putting it on a timer for when I’m at work! Seeing all of yours out and about makes me so happy @WVduckchick!

I don’t leave it on very long, it’s usually plenty wet here, but five minutes in the evening will wet the grass they like to noodle in, on our occasional dry stretches.
@Miss Lydia I’m still not sure!

I think Big/Huey (13 weeks) is a boy based on the fact that he sounds like a frog croaking and looks like he has new feathers coming in by his tail.

I’m pretty certain Louie (middle Little - 11 weeks) is a girl because she occasionally let’s out these crazy loud cackle/quacks and sounds like a maniac ...

But Littlest/Dewey has me totally stumped! She was supposed to be a girl for sure because she’s brown, but she has some iridescent feathers on her wings, looks like she’s growing tail feathers and doesn’t have much of a voice yet ... I have no idea! :confused:
So it’s been a while, eh? Took a break to have a baby and now my ducks are trying to do the same!


Does anyone have experience with hatching ducklings? I have two females, they’ve been broody and sitting on this nest off and on since the beginning of the month. I got anxious about my brood growing exponentially so I stole about 15 eggs from the nest last week, leaving 7 (which I marked with a pen so I know which are the eldest eggs). Now they’ve laid another half-dozen.

Should I raid the nest again or just leave this up to nature?
Just found that Louie has started another nest. It has 7 eggs in it today ... so we are close to 20 eggs between the two of them. I can’t handle 20 ducklings. :eek:Any thoughts on how to limit the number without completely spooking my broody girls?
I just go in and remove eggs from under them. My Muscovy wanted to brood this year and since I am already at 18 water fowl she only has 2 eggs under her and she is happy as a lark, if they have been sitting for a while I'd candle first. If these have just started sitting then just take out and leave what your comfortable with her having.
Cool! I’ll check it out today. I just didn’t want to discourage them from sitting in general by taking more away. But I think I’m giving them too much credit, perhaps!
Took away all but the six that I originally marked at the beginning is the month. Dewey was not pleased but has pulled bedding around the remaining eggs and seems fine. I don’t think Louie even noticed I took half her clutch. :idunno

Dewey made her nest right up against the house, so you can spy on her through our front window. (Pardon the tissue paper hearts)


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