FREE - 1 dozen BBS Orp eggs - Central Va. - Winners!!

Miss Sue, your post brought tears to my eyes! I feel the need to ship you eggs too! this is also one of my worst fears, my coop and my barn. What a tragedy. This is a great opportunity for you to re-build a flock of some very special birds. Our local 4-H poultry club just had its first auction and what a success it was. Maybe you can pick up a couple of layers that way, close by? There were some faboulous birds there. Congrats to both winners, good luck on your hatches.
OH MissPrissy,
Please please please! I started with chickens last fall and although we currently have 26, not all of them belong to me. I have fallen head over heels in love with the buff orp since purchasing my buff hen. She is so sweet and docile compared to the rest of my flock. I have been in communication with another BYC member about purchasing a dozen for my incubator. My girls would be so excited to have some more buffs and to watch them hatch out as babies would be that much better. So if you see us deserving enough for your gorgeous buff eggs, please pick us to be the winner!
Thanks for your time and god bless:D
To the ladies that won:
You are going to be so pleased with your hatch. I have BBS Orps I hatched from Miss Prissy and they are beautiful. We keep changing our minds about which one is our favorite. They jump on your shoes for attention. Wonderful babies!!

Miss P you are so inspiring. I would send eggs but mine aren't old enough yet.

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