Free poultry calendar RANT

Congrats. I'd be ecstatic if it said MY name under it.

Yeah I know what you mean...I had someone steal my GLC photos & use them on their website and on eBay. Have you tried googling her name? Maybe you can call her up and ask her WTH she's doing stealing your photos?

yep, I tried that. I googled "sheila elliott chickens" and didn't really get anywhere.
Digital pictures have the time, date, type of camera an sometime camera SN encoded in to the picture so you should be able to prove its your picture with that info. Weather you want to push for royalty for the use of the picture is up to you.
Yeah, you and me both! I'm sure they have someway of covering their butts though. They probably won't care because it's a free calendar and they aren't making any money off of it anyway, except for advertising.
Thanks, there won't be any royalties, it's a free calendar. Maybe I can get him on the cover next year with MY name! lol

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