Friend ribbon


Spicy Sugar Cookie
7 Years
Apr 26, 2017
The moon
I know there is already a friend badge, but I thought of a good idea that could be in addition to the badges.
A friend ribbon would look like this:

Just a standard ribbon, maybe silver. It would say the members name across the top, and friend across the bottom. When you click on a members name, a black box pops up with their name, info, profile pic, status, etc. the ribbon would be placed next to their name (or in a better spot I’m not exactly sure where it should go)
But here is the part I really like, before you can get the friend ribbon, at least fifteen people have to pm a mod with something that member has done for them, said to them, or just an example of how they have been a good friend. When you click on the ribbon icon a page with everything members have said about the person comes up and you can read it.
I’m not sure if this would be feasible, since everyone might pm a different mod, but I thought it would be something to think about and a nice way to show your appreciation for certain members who have helped you or just been a good friend.

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