Funny Faverolles

Well he was "supposed " to be a sapphire olive egger hend . Turned out to be a leghorn rooster. He's about 6 months old and just learned to crow and mount the girls in the last week. Lol
My 3 Faverolle hens actually got into a bad fight yesterday.
All three are broody, but no rooster yet! Do your Faverolles fight at all?
One did with a americauna when we introduced him. Had to give the am back to the lady we got all our girls from. The faverolles were brought in were 2 weeks later after we got the original 6. They were older hens. Probably 2 yrs old. You can't separate our 2 faverolles. Best friends
I wish I knew who starts the fight so I could try to separate the trouble maker,
till then, i can't. Was the Faverolle roo friendly with the hens though?

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