Girls! Look what was peeking in my window!

sorry ladies, but i do have all you beat. i shook his hand
when he was here in oshkosh, wisconsin. he was filming public enemies. if you think he is dreamy on screen and in pics, let me tell you, in person he is sssssssooooooo much better looking. they filming right outside the building i was taking some classes in. so i got some video and some pics. and yes, he is a little on the short side.
Keene's coop :

sorry ladies, but i do have all you beat. i shook his hand
when he was here in oshkosh, wisconsin. he was filming public enemies. if you think he is dreamy on screen and in pics, let me tell you, in person he is sssssssooooooo much better looking. they filming right outside the building i was taking some classes in. so i got some video and some pics. and yes, he is a little on the short side.

My husband is 5 ft 9.5 and he is shorter than JD isnt short lol​
But... have you seen him in "Libertine" yet?

O. M. G.

My hubby was channel surfing and had tuned into the last few minutes of MP's "Holy Grail". A rating warning popped up on our screen (we have a teen that we have to prevent her from trying to watch or record certain shows...) and hubby said, "Let's see what this is..."

Hubby and I met doing Middle Ages re-enactment. The movie appeared to be set within the first (less than) 100 years after the death of Elizabeth I. I am no costume expert by any stretch of the imagination, but "Libertine" was one of the few movies where bad costuming did NOT distract me from the content of the story. Yes, the women were wearing Tudor bodices, but the two characters that stood out in their Tudor lower class costumes were a prostitute and an actress. They probably would have been wearing hand-me-downs that were "old fashioned" (to them).

At least the costumer for the movie "Libertine" had a ticket to the Clue Bus, lol. The ones that take the attitude that "it's all old, the viewers won't know the difference between the time periods" need to be re-educated. I have friends with rolls of polyester ready to beat some sense into them.

Add that Johnny's character was named John and called Johnny the whole movie... WONDERFUL. Two thumbs up. Set your DVRs, ladies!!!
Keene's coop :

sorry ladies, but i do have all you beat. i shook his hand
when he was here in oshkosh, wisconsin. he was filming public enemies. if you think he is dreamy on screen and in pics, let me tell you, in person he is sssssssooooooo much better looking. they filming right outside the building i was taking some classes in. so i got some video and some pics. and yes, he is a little on the short side.

OK, just for that you get a
-but only because I am jealous!
I think the most attractive thing about Johnny Depp, in my opinion, is the fact that he's a brilliant actor, a devoted partner, and an equally stunning father. It's what makes Will Smith and Hugh Jackman attractive to me as well (although yikes, I saw HJ just about naked -- right down to the tidy whities -- once and DANG . . . but I digress).

Interestingly, this shift in priorities happened once I hit my mid-30's. I've been a fan of Depp since I was about 12 or 13, watching 21 Jump Street, and I have never quit, LOL. But when I was younger it was all about looks, and now . . . there's more to it. Interesting.

Anyway, The Libertine (for those inquiring minds out there!) was set in the mid to late 1600's during the reign of King Charles, shortly before Cromwell took over, and Johnny Depp's character -- the Earl of whatsit, I forget -- was *well* known for displays of excess even during that infamously debauched century. He wrote a few poems, but mostly history remembers him for having such a bad case of STD's that his nose fell off (syphillis?) and for dying broke and diseased. It's an interesting if lewd movie and despite the fact that Earl Whoever's (JD's character) first words are "You aren't going to like me" or something like that, I did kind of feel bad for him throughout. Then again, pity isn't really the same thing as like.

The Libertine came out in 2004 and I can't remember if that was before Jack Sparrow or after. (looking things up) . . . ah, yes. After, but not by much.

I really like this guy.

I have the good fortune (sigh) of working with a young man (30 to my 40) who is the spitting image of Johnny Depp. All the little girls fawn over him the whole time and it makes him nervous. He comes to me to talk and joke around - apparently he feels comfortable with an "old" lady. Little does he know . . . .
Alex O'laughlin

Ryan Reynolds perhaps?

No one has mentioned Hugh Laurie...

(And yet there are so many more... *Sigh*)

By the way, some of y'alls comments about pulling him through the window made me laugh out loud.

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