Goat suddenly squatting alot


Birdsong 82

Free Ranging
6 Years
Aug 17, 2017
This morning when I was feeding the crew I noticed my oldest goat was squatting every couple of minutes. She was squatting like she was going to P but wouldn't. I noticed her do this one day last week and then didn't notice it again so didn't think much of it. But this morning after she ate she separated herself from the others and was just squatting over and over. I checked all the normal stuff her tail is up and perky her head is up her gums and no loss of color in her gums and tongue and she seems fine otherwise. She is about seven year old boer
She was squatting like she was going to P but wouldn't.
Sounds like same symptoms of urinary track infection in humans... feels like ya need to pee even when you don't. Capturing some in a ladle to have tested might be good idea.

No experience with this specifically, just brainstorming ideas.

There are no vets around here. The only one there was in the area has retired. And I've been struggling to find one cents. I tried to look it up but it seemed like everything was talking about this happening shortly after giving birth. She gave birth over three years ago
If I'm able to get a urine sample from her is there anywhere I can send it maybe
Ok...first..take her off all grain...right away...she could be getting too much calcium...and be gett a bit blocked up..push mixed grasses..alfalfa best if an option...water..but don’t push it too hard. Urinating Calculi is rare in does..but can happen....you might want to just call a vet if that’s an option...my vet is fine with calls....I’d would check the ratio of calcium and phosphorus of the grain.....if you’re not giving grain...than, it could be a similar situation, just not related to the grain, etc. if she were my doe..I’d call my vet...but...I’m not in your shoes...just a call doesn’t hurt?
Unfortunately I can't find a vet within an hour and a half of my house. The one I had who retired I can no longer get a hold of I think they Moved. I will check her bag of grain. They've been eating the same grain for years but I will definitely check.
I don't have access to alfalfa hay right now but I do have alfalfa cubes
Ok...first..take her off all grain...right away...she could be getting too much calcium...and be gett a bit blocked up..push mixed grasses..alfalfa best if an option...water..but don’t push it too hard. Urinating Calculi is rare in does..but can happen....you might want to just call a vet if that’s an option...my vet is fine with calls....I’d would check the ratio of calcium and phosphorus of the grain.....if you’re not giving grain...than, it could be a similar situation, just not related to the grain, etc. if she were my doe..I’d call my vet...but...I’m not in your shoes...just a call doesn’t hurt?
Ok...first..take her off all grain...right away...she could be getting too much calcium...and be gett a bit blocked up..push mixed grasses..alfalfa best if an option...water..but don’t push it too hard. Urinating Calculi is rare in does..but can happen....you might want to just call a vet if that’s an option...my vet is fine with calls....I’d would check the ratio of calcium and phosphorus of the grain.....if you’re not giving grain...than, it could be a similar situation, just not related to the grain, etc. if she were my doe..I’d call my vet...but...I’m not in your shoes...just a call doesn’t hurt?
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