Got a new kitty! *Pics* UPDATE: He's got a name!!

He is quite intrigued by the mouse on the screen and my fingers on the keyboard at the moment.
David vetoed Andy (which is fine...I vetoed a few of his as well

Hmmm.....other thoughts....
Jasper (still on the drawing board)
Hendrix (not geological, but still a cool name!)

Clearly Debi has started something here! Because I too now have a cat since going to her birthday dinner. We found ours over the weekend trapped in our fencing. She can't be older than 2-3 months. Micah made a big fuss about it, and now she's his best friend. He named her Von D.

Debi look what you've done!!!! LOL
That is too funny!!
This kitten is all in love with David. He spoils him rotten already. Our other at on the other hand does NOT like the kitten.

We have been playing with the cat toy that is a string with a mini feather duster on the end of a stick handle. The kitten loves it and gets all possessive of his "catch". He will grown and try to run off with it. We have let him have his "kill" and he holds it with his paws and shakes.
He will be a good mouser! David thinks we need to name him something related to that like Hunter (not bad). He also threw in Rutger.

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