Great, now I am a nervous wreck. All that worrying for nothing.

Aha! I'm just catching up! So you go Thursday? When will you find out what's going on? You know I'll be thinking of you that day!
Best wishes! painful swollen lymph nodes around here have been: cat scratch fever (drained pus for a week after the biopsy and then was fine), and infected spider bite on the hand (no sign of infection at the bite, it encapsulated and caused the armpit lymph nodes to go nuts). See, so many other things it can be! Good luck

Went to the surgeon. He looked at the ultra sound, felt around a bit, took a step back and said, "Well, if I didn't have the ultra sound I would be concerned, but we do have that and from what I saw on it was a perfectly normal looking lymph node. The problem you are having is that it is resting on a nerve, and the fact that you are thin. I can actually feel every lymph node I looked for. If you were heavy and I felt those nodes I would be worried. But you are not. You mentioned your asthma is acting up. It makes sense that those lymph nodes would be more apt to swell from time to time under those circumstances. I really don't want to go digging for it with it so close to the nerve. Lets keep an eye on it, stop touching it all the time, and check it every two weeks or so." I asked about the "increased vascularity". " Well that is relevant. How do we know it is increased, did anyone do an ultra sound before and compare? Your body could be just filtering more blood due to your asthma and allergies." So all in all I thought the Dr. handled it quite practically and I am glad he wasn't knife happy.

And I slept.

Thanks for everyone's support. It is greatly appreciated. I do feel a little silly though.
Better to feel a little silly, than to find out you really had something to worry about and had ignored it. I am glad you got some answers yesterday. YEAH!
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Great news!!!
And..darn..your lucky...skinny enough to feel your lymph nodes...jeesh..

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