I have just created a "Table Cell" with a Master List for all participants to be consolidated for quick reference.
For all whom do decide to set eggs with us,
please post (once they are set) the type of eggs, number of eggs, date of set and method. Method being incubator or broody hen.
The Master List is located in the Opening Box of this Thread. If the list grows big enough, perhaps there will be a contest of sorts implemented.
So lets make that list grow and grow!
Well the eggs arrived. 4 of 19 cracked, 3 smashed and 1 cracked and I put new-skin on the cracked one in hopes of it making it. Will candle tonight to see how air cells did and if there’s more cracked ones.
Box damaged. Fast shipping though.
Will update eggs set and type soon.
Sounds like Jim Carey was you mailman..:(
smiley halloween 6.gif

Just tip toeing through to see all the excitement!

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