Harry horse & Charlie adventures! Horse chat & much more! Everyone welcome!

Kim, hope she didn't lose power. Is that common over your way? Hope you aren't snowed under, but you should post pics on your snow scenes thread! :)

It does sometimes go off with the weather.
No not snowed in here. We were forecast some but it in the end it headed further north than us. We just got a very cold wind and then ice rain. It seriously honked it down last night! Much milder today though and far more settled :)
Hi Kim
Actually Wishing guessed right. Our power went off at exactly 6pm just as I was putting my boots on to go out and do evening stables. The information they initially gave us was that it should be on by 7.30 but that came and went. It was like Siberia out there with freezing rain and sleet blowing horizontally and the roads were lethal. Ian's house has a wood burning stove with back boiler but without the power to operate the pump to circulate the water there was a risk of it overheating so he had to keep putting wet logs on the fire to dampen it down, so it was not overly warm even sitting in front of the stove. At 8pm I pulled on my outdoor gear and set off out with a shovel to help people who were stuck and grit the roads on the estate. There are a lot of old people's bungalows on the top side and the roads up to them are pretty steep and there was no hope of an ambulance or fire brigade of getting up there if they needed to and with old people using candles in the dark, both were a possibility last night so I set to..... not sure whose idea it was to site the salt boxes at the bottom of the banks, but I was cursing them! That said, despite the bitter winds the exercise warmed me up and no doubt burned a few calories and gave me great sympathy for the poor guys who were out there up a pylon in that weather trying to fix our power..... really would not want a job like that.... dangerous at the best of times but 10x worse in those weather conditions. It was not surprising and totally forgivable they were struggling. Power came back on just as we had given up on having some dinner (again loss of calories will only do me good) and climbed into bed at 10pm. Woke up this morning and most of the snow had gone and it is hard to believe it could be such a pleasant day after such an horrific night!
Crikey Barbara that all sounds a bit grim! Good on you for getting out there and helping with the gritting. Def a good way of keeping warm and burning off those extra calories. I can see why you were cursing the placement of the grit boxes! There are some pretty weird ones round us too and especially in the village where I grew up in and now keep Harry horse! The rain was pounding down here, well across actually. It was battering the Windows. Had more last night so it’s now a real quagmire :hmm
Posted on our livery WhatsApp group and I’m sure it’s aimed at me! :lol:

@Yorkshire Coop

Hi Kim! :frow

Sorry I have been awol from this thread. :hugs I have been so busy lately, I don't know if I am coming or going!! :barnie :lol:

Yes, Lollie is already excited for Christmas. We put up the tree last Sunday and he was just beside himself with excitement! :gig He sure is ready for Santa Paws this year!

Are you guys ready? Decorations up, presents wrapped? :D

Ooh and thanks for the link to the tracker, I too am going to tune in right now! :lol:

I hope everything else is well up in your territory. :hugs :)
@Yorkshire Coop

Hi Kim! :frow

Sorry I have been awol from this thread. :hugs I have been so busy lately, I don't know if I am coming or going!! :barnie :lol:

Yes, Lollie is already excited for Christmas. We put up the tree last Sunday and he was just beside himself with excitement! :gig He sure is ready for Santa Paws this year!

Are you guys ready? Decorations up, presents wrapped? :D

Ooh and thanks for the link to the tracker, I too am going to tune in right now! :lol:

I hope everything else is well up in your territory. :hugs :)

No problem Leyla :hugs Same here!
Ohh goody Lollie will be tracking too!
Yes all set here, decorations up. Inside & out! Presents done & wrapped. All I need to do is a food shop and hand deliver some cards and we are all set :) Shocked myself with how I’ve got on as I made a late start but Internet shopping is so easy! Barring one trip to town it’s all been online :oops: Don’t be working too hard there! :hugs

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