Harry Potter - THe Deathly Hallows

Well we didn't make it this afternoon and I keep walking outside and this cold and rain is making me think tomorrow.

My 14 yr old keeps coming out of his room asking how I'm feeling about the weather and Kayla (4 yr old grand daughter) is curled up in a blanket watching Spiderman and yawning.

Looks like we'll go in the morning.
I went a 12:01 Friday. It was EPIC. I cried when Doby died, and when they were torturing Hermoine I freaked. Oh, and when Nagini came back, it scared the living heck out of me.

Watched it last night...I cried, laughed and will forever remember the spell "Reducio!!!!"

Just the right amount of funny, pretty creepy in some parts and, in my opinion, the most true to the book (even though some parts were still wrong) and the best one yet!
I really want to see it but I can't get Abi to come with me. She too is a purist and refuses to watch any of the movies! Hurrumpff!!

My friend Joelle is the only one I know that would come with me, but she promised her kids she would go with them when her son comes back from college.

It's hard being a 47 year old kid sometimes
Just got back about an hour ago.

I had a horrible time.

Kayla didn't sit still. No noise, but she sat in the floor at the edge of the second level. Then every time something got good she had to got to the batheroom.

Little girl sitting behind me kicked my seat so hard and so long I ache. And she did it on purpose. And I think her name was Kayla too.

I was tag teamed!

Come on DVD!

It was good (what I could watch), but I love the school, and missed a lot of the other characters. Maybe I just missed too much of the exciting parts, or I need more excitment like a 10 year old.

Excedrine time!
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Wolftracks - WOW...sounds like a horrible day at the movies. That stinks.

I'm going to see it again this evening. Now that I know what happens, I can relax and watch to see what I missed the first time around.

I absolutely loved the part when everybody turned into the seven Harry's. That was a really funny scene.
DH and I went to see it Friday night...I've read the books, he hasn't, so I knew ahead of time it would be very depressing. He didn't know. We both left feeling pretty sad. I cried when Dobby died (I cried when he died in the book, too)...so did practically everyone else in the theatre, so at least it wasn't embarrassing.

I thought they did a good job of evoking the same atmosphere the book had.
It was awesome, saw it Saturday with the kids. We have all read the books, so we knew what to expect, but it was so sad when Dobby died! I liked what they did with Hedwig and gave her a more dignified death, protecting Harry. Very much looking forward to the one in July!
Finally saw the movie and it was...okay. Not as great as some described but I imagine the next one will be better. The movie covers the most boring part of this particular book, so it did it okay but didn't stay true and left out some good parts.

Not too overly impressed.....

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