Harry Potter - THe Deathly Hallows

Yours too?

There was a lot of wandering around in the woods, but there was a lot of it in the book, too, and I think they did a good job of evoking the hopeless feeling that the book portrayed.
I don't think there was as much wandering in the woods in the movie as there was in the book. Ron returned much quicker in the movie than in the book too. I was so bored with the wandering thing in the book and so glad they didn't drag it out in the movie!
It was ok. Irritating but ok. Trying to add the important details that were left out of the previous movies without any kind of explanation along with leaving out other important events was highly annoying. Who's house was that at the end that they stole a shovel from? What is up with the piece of mirror? When did Tonks and Lupin hook up? What is up with the wands????

Yes I have read the books and since Chris Columbus quit directing I have had issues with the movies. Too much left out. I would rather they get it right with a really long move than try to cram what they can into a time restraint.

I am also ticked they are waiting until JULY for the second installment.
Have you really read the books? Seriously. I only ask as Lupin and Tonks hooked up in the sixth book (he is why her pratronus changes shape) and their relationship is well developed in the final book.

Also, the piece of glass was a gift from Sirius in the 5th book and it broke in the 6th book. It is VERY pivotal in the 7th book.

The wands are done exactly as they were in the final book as well.

I actually thought this was the best of the movies and the only one that does a good job of following the book. So far the only scene that is not in a book is the one on the Hogwarts express and that was needed to explain Neville's role in the next movie.

The mirror is a shard of a mirror serious black gave harry before he died in the ministry of magic... somebody else covered tonks and lupin, and the thing with the wands was discussed in the previous 2-3 books ever since voldemort was raised from the cauldrin with wormtails hand, harrys blood (goblet of fire)
I thought it was extremely well done. Awesome special effects, especially the doe made out of light, and the special effects in the Deathly Hallows story. I thought it was one of the best Harry P movies that they have done, out of the recent ones, it closely followed the book and was easy to understand if you've read it. I was dissapointed that they downplayed Hedwig's death, though, why change that?
Well, just got back from seeing it...and I thought it was a very good adaptation. It followed the book nicely. Some things were shortened up a bit (the 7 potters, forest scenes, ron coming back). There was little detail about the snatchers, but overall a good set-up for what is going to be a killer final installation!

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