Hatch going wrong!! Humidity problems HELP!!

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  • IMG_4342.JPG
    265.8 KB · Views: 5
Yep, perfect!
before you put it back, you can start at its beak and peel the membrane back toward the shell, like you put a trash bag in a can. It can be torn off too, just open it up so the chick can push out on its own. If it's active, and you press down on its beak gently with your finger, it will likely pop out into your hand. If it does, or doesn't push out by itself, just put it back in the incubator.

*if you see any veins, don't rip thru them.
I've stopped, because whilst the top membrane had no veins, the second membrane is riddled with them. I've covered with coconut oil and put back in the incubator.


  • IMG_4344.JPG
    256.2 KB · Views: 3
Yep, that's fine, give it a little rest time now, and watch for those veins to disappear. It's pulling in all the blood from around the egg, but now you can monitor it. They won't totally disappear, some residue will be left in the blood vessels, and actually that's what it looks like to me now, but hard to be sure from a pic.

And yes, there is an inner and outer membrane. One hooked to the shell and one encompassing the baby. The air cell is between to two.

At this point, I'd let it rest about an hour, then try to widen the hole around the beak just a little. Keep an eye on it and make sure it never tucks its beak back under the membrane. The beak needs to stay free to the air.
Looked a little closer at the pic and yes, there are still a few strong veins. Especially the one directly across its eye. So be careful around that one. But overall, it looks great!

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