Help call duck not eating!!!!!!

Took the duck to the vet today he thought he was fine I told him that he is not eating much but he said he must be eating enough because he is still here,he did acupuncture on his leg and I think it is a little bit better.I spoke to a woman today who rescues wild fowl and chickens and she said that birds pass antibiotics out of there system twice as quick as other animals so they need a course of 2x a day for 5 days my vet gave mine an injection every 2nd day three times so that may not have been enough,the vet says the wound is fine but I think maybe he has a bit of infection inside and it is making him miserable so i am going to ask the vet about a course of baytril tomorrow as a precaution.Has any heard this about birds before????
Hi Sandra,

Any good news yet on your little boy? I do hope he is beginning to improve - if he survives (which we all sincerely hope he does) you will have to think of a very special name for him!

Julia doesn't seem to have much of an appetite - maybe because she isn't out and about with her Brothers and Sisters - I am thinking of putting her outside tomorrow for a while as the weather is getting warmer here - I do feel that she needs the company of her siblings - she must be thoroughly bored with only me for companionship in the stables ( that is apart from two young Roosters who manage to get through the door when I am not looking and they eat her food - disgusting stealing from the disabled!) I will say however that Julia has been putting some weight on her foot tentatively - it is still a problem for her but I will ensure she is only on grass outside and will stay with her for her outing.

Please know that we are all thinking of you and your duck - Miss Lydia is so kind with her wishes for us, as are all of those here who contribute their knowledge to our questions in relation to our problems!

All the best

Well Sandra,

You answered my question before I managed to post it ! Hope he keeps going strong..... best you think of a name for him - he'll make it!!!!
Hi suzie he seems a bit brighter tonight I fed him twice today with the syringe and when I put him in the sink he ate some mealworms (I bought some live ones today they are disgusting) I put some vitamin drops in the water I soaked his food in to see if that helped,he still won't walk much on his leg but the vet is doing acupuncture on it again tomorrow.glad to hear that Julia is improving on the leg maybe feed her with a syringe for a few days until she gets her appetite back or else she might weaken, keep us posted on how she is.where abouts in France are you I go there with a friend every September she has a house south of Montpellier
Gosh I wish I could come visit both of ya'll, I am just in plain ole USA and the south at that, [just kidding] I've always loved the accents though. Happy to hear both the little ones are still making a come back and will continue to make progress, now if we can just get through these next 21/2 months we'll be close to Spring, please keep us updated on your littles.
Hi Sandra and Miss Lydia

Well good news so far - I decided to let Julia out this afternoon ( under my supervision ) and she loved it - she was walking ok and munching on grass and bathing in a puddle of mud! When I decided that she'd had enough she went indoors with her Sisters and Elvis the Male Muscovy - I was nervous as her Sisters started pecking at her but she went to Elvis for protection and has tonight refused to go into her nest box so I have left her with the other ducks and two friendly geese in the compound - hope I have done the right thing - I will check on her later though!

Anyway, to more pressing matters, how is your little boy today Sandra? I do hope he is improving well - now don't forget to give him an appropriate name for his resolve in getting through this ordeal!

I live in the Allier which is in the Auvergne - it is approximately 200km in a straight line from Paris going downwards - if you put a dot in the centre of France that is where we are!
You would be very welcome to come and stay - we have Gites so accommodation would be no problem - we have about 20 acres, a Water Mill and Mill Pond - the river Roudon also flows through the land so it is great in the winter as the ducks and geese can still swim as the river rarely freezes over.

I have a few animals including my beloved Ducks, Muscovy, Barbary and Indian Runners 25 in total, 11 Geese ( Toulouse and Embden), 37 Chickens, 2 donkeys, 2 horses, 2 goats, 2 GSD's ( one long haired Male and one short haired female) 1 feral cat and I am exhausted but very happy looking after them all!

Miss Lydia - America is a beautiful place - I have been to North America ( well I did land at JFK for my flight to Chicago ) to visit my Cousin who lives in Wisconsin - we went to the lakes in the October and the colours of the trees in the Autumn was breathtaking! Come to see my collection of animals - I no doubt will be adding more soon!

Keep me updated Sandra!

Hi Suzie,yes i think things are a bit better here too,I was back with the vet today he did more acupuncture on his leg ,I asked him about birds passing antibiotic through their system quicker than other animals and he says it is true,he gave me an antibiotic for him .When I came back from the vet I let him out with the others and he seemed more active than he has been for a while I left him out for a few hours and he seemed fine .I brought him in for a while in the afternoon ,gave him a bath he was full of mud feed him ,gave him antibiotic and then i put him out with the others and he ate like mad!!!!!!!!!!!!.This is the first night he has been out but I feel he has at last started to improve so good news all around,smiles all around(I dont know how to get those smiley faces to work)Hope Julia keeps improving

Great news that your little boy is also improving - just click on (More Smilies) above and they will come up on your message:

So for you and your little boy:
Hi you 2 so happy to hear both your babies are doing so good!!! yippie
It was so traumatizing to them thats probably had alot to do with recovery. Any way just thankful their doing so well. Let us hear again okay? thanks

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