At the bottom of that article is a video of how to byc.

When you reply, there is an icon at the top of the box right next to the smiley that you can click on (looks like a mountain with sun). Or down below the reply box there is an upload file button if the photo is on the same device that you are replying to byc with either of these will work.
The white one looks pekin. Have you tried picking them up separately and walk away? If it doesn't quack, most likely a drake.
Yes I have. They all tried but it sounds like they have gone hoarse. I haven Drake’s and they sound nothing like this. A few of them have tried to quack but it sounds strained.
I am feeding them wild game bird crumbles. No feed stores near me sell duck feed ( which I thought was weird seeing as how I’m more out into the country).
I hope so I like them a whole lot and would hate to lose any of them. I don’t know if you saw the post but I added organic apple cider vinegar and colloidal silver to their water.

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