My feelings exactly, @Trinitru ! Once they discover those easy pickin's in my hen house, they set up housekeeping and go no further. I don't have a problem with snakes on their own turf, it's live and let live, but when they move into one of my houses, I am not putting up with that.
One year we had to deal with a lot of snakes. We relocated most of them and now I feel bad after reading they don’t make it.
I’ve shoo’d several off the property and don’t believe the same ones returned.
I’ll chase them off in future. Turtles are the same. If you relocate them they will wander around trying to get back and starve to death.
That's sad about turtles. We have a lot of them around here, in fact the three-toed box turtle is our state reptile. I think they are beautiful. This is a screenshot from MDC Discover Nature.

That's sad about turtles. We have a lot of them around here, in fact the three-toed box turtle is our state reptile. I think they are beautiful. This is a screenshot from MDC Discover Nature.

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It is sad. I found a baby the size of a quarter and had to relocate it so the chickens wouldn’t eat it. Didn’t have to take it far. Beautiful picture.
Shoo it away? So it can come back tomorrow and eat my eggs again??? And ... how does this work, exactly? Should I set up a rocking chair and sit in the coop 24/7 and watch for it to show up? It was just a matter of pure happenstance that I saw the snake that had been eating my eggs for who knows how long when I did. Shooing is not a viable option, sorry.
Spray them with a water hose - they'll move. I'll take snakes over mice and havoc they bring any day.
Spray them with a water hose - they'll move. I'll take snakes over mice and havoc they bring any day.

The hose does not reach to the hen house. And again, they'll just come back another day. I don't want to share my eggs with a snake! Thanks for the suggestion though.

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