How can i date my eggs?

Are you talking about for eating or for hatching? If for eating, I'd just mark the carton (in pencil) with the date I filled it. I put a small sticker on one end, and if I re-use a carton, I can erase the old date and write the new one.

For hatching, I write on the eggs with a black sharpie, it dries very fast, it doesn't soak through the shell, it doesn't hurt the chicks, I've used them for years.

When I mark eggs for a hen to hatch, I find that pencil rubs off. About halfway through brooding I can't read the marks anymore. I often have more than one broody at a time. I start them on different days. Sometimes they somehow get eggs moved around to different nests. (evil hens, playing tricks with eggs!) With the dates in sharpie they stay clear, I can sort them out again.
I'm only getting 1-2 eggs a day right now so i date mine with a pencil but I'd like to get a stamper once all the girls are laying. We have 21 hens who will be laying eventually. It takes some time to get a dozen to sell so the date lets my friends know which to use first. They like to see the laid date. I think expiration dates are subjective...a laid date is exact. IMO

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