How many people carry pocket knives?

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My Grandmother gave me one. Its small but good to have on hand. Peels apples good for grandchildren and makes you feel a bit more secure. Useful to cut rope and such. I grew up before it got so crazy. Jean
I stopped carrying my pocket knife a while back (don't know why), but have been thinking about it now that we're farming again. I miss it when trying to open thoe woven plastic grain sacks. You all have inspired me to find my knife or get a new today.
I used to, it was nice, then my purse was stolen. I am going to buy a tazer for protection, a knive isnt a weapon if you are surprised. I don't know if that is why you posted this.
Left front pocket for me, all the time. If I have to fly it goes into my checked luggage. I carry a nice knife (beautiful bone handle) most of the time and a junkier one for barn/farm work. I tend to lose them and thus don't spend big bucks for farm stuff. Funny, I just bought a new farm knife at TSC yesterday!

For hunting and buthering I prefer a fixed blade knife, they are easier to clean the blood off.

More than once, besides being an effective general tool I have gotten my knife out to clean my nails when I felt I was in a 'difficult' situation. Just the visual aspect changes attitudes quickly.
I don't but my husband always has one in his pocket. Comes in handy for both of us.

Like others I carry a flashlight in my purse. I leave the house before sun up so I need it just to find my car.

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