EDIT: Is anyone else now craving cajun food?

Naw, we just finished eating.

Never a bad time for chicken & sausage gumbo though. I could eat.

Yes, rain has/is slackening up. Ditches receding. Now, for the rebuilding. Thankfully, my family didn't have a big issue. Will be asking around & helping where needed.

Family in Louisiana will be getting the rest of Harvey. Hopefully, Harvey will speed on through.

Now, is anyone else thinking of Jimmy Stuart & "Harvey"?
Thanks, I thought it was usually a "wham bam" type thing and then it was all over, cleanup begins, this seems to be taking forever.

Harvey was a large, powerful, well-developed storm traveling over quite warm water, so he was packing a lot of rain with him when he made landfall. Once he made it to Texas, he seemed to lose all sense of direction. He sort of wandered on shore, then stalled. Normally, once the eye gets over land, a storm loses strength rapidly, but Harvey never got very far inland, and with some of his feeder bands still over the warm Gulf water, Harvey managed to maintain a certain amount of structure; he just sat there and pumped all that Gulf moisture onto the land. Now the eye has backed out over the water again, and the storm has regained a little bit of strength. But it is a very lopsided, unhealthy looking storm with lots of dry areas; and it is finally (slowly) moving to the east and north. Some storms have strong steering currents that move them rapidly along their courses, but Harvey's currents were weak, and he was blocked from moving by ridges of high pressure. I've seen storms wobble and stagger and stall for days in this area, and I've seen them move along like they were on rails - it all depends on the rivers of air they are traveling in.
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