I have a BROODY ROOSTER! Have you ever heard of this?


11 Years
May 29, 2008
SC Arkansas
I went to collect eggs yesterday and my roo was sitting under the next box...some of the females lay underneath. He was sitting on the eggs! The eggs were hot too, and he pecked me!

I lifted him off the eggsf, but he wanted to stay, so as soon as I sat him down and bent over to pick up the eggs, he bit and pulled at my shoe.

This boy is about 5 or 6 months old, and is a big sweetie pie. He's never shown any aggression whatsoever. I left a couple of eggs for him and spent the rest of the day sitting and perched over the eggs. He even chased away some of the bigger roos, who he's never ever stood up to.

Oh, and this is definately a roo, but I admit he's always been a bit on the wimpy side, and has yet to crow. He's a barred rock, much lighter than the females, large comb and wattles, long tail feathers, big stout boy, just as he should be. Is this not wierd?

It is not unheard of for there have been broody roosters I will admit that usually they are silkies or especially broody breeds. but a broody rooster is not that weird.
Well it's a first for me! The kids are getting a kick out of it. I'm intested to see if he'll actually sit on them long enough to hatch them or not. I doubt it. I may take them in the house today......if I don't get my hand bit off, lol!
Hi there! When I first kept chickens I just had a pair of miniature White Rocks which I was given by a friend. The roo (called Ajax) often took his turn sitting on the eggs that his partner was brooding. This allowed her plenty of time to eat & drink, poo & have a dust bath. She would wander back rather casually & he would get up & move off while she resumed her duties!! Because I knew virtually nothing about chickens I accepted it as usual behaviour because it's not uncommon in some other breeds of birds (ostrich for instance). It was only later that I realised he was an oddity. She (Blanche) was a very dominent bird who nagged at him all the time. She kept up a non-stop conversation telling him what to do. He was a saint and loved his offspring but was a great one for order & discipline! I've never had another like him since although I still have that line of birds. Unfortunately both Ajax & Blanche were eaten by foxes a year ago. I miss them still!
I have an Australorp roo, two hens, and a chicken tractor (HenSpa). A couple of weeks ago, something strange occurred when I went to retrieve eggs. One hen had gotten kind of broody over her eggs recently; she lays in one of the inclined nests that the eggs gets "stuck" in, as in does not roll down to the door the way they are supposed to because of a low hanging ledge in that one. Well, she and I had kind of tussled over her egg one morning. She scooped it out of my reach with her beak and tucked it underneath her. I gave her some time and later retrieved the egg when she was downstairs.

The next day, I go out there and I swear there was this strange communication between her and Austra. He ran upstairs and stood by her egg, guarding it, something he's never done before. I thought his protection of her egg, instigated by her, was sweet.

Not exactly broody like yours, but compassionate to his broody hen's call. It surprised me.
Maybe you could take the eggs and give him some golf balls or wooden eggs. He'd be happy and you would have your fresh eggs
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I've never had a broody rooster but how 'bout a broody cat?
Sometimes when I open the nest boxes, I find one or two of our cats cozied up on the eggs.
I've never had a broody rooster but how 'bout a broody cat? Sometimes when I open the nest boxes, I find one or two of our cats cozied up on the eggs.

Haha, I don't know if I'd trust her with the babies is the eggs hatch though!

Great stories about the sweet roosters!

Well when I got home yesterday afternoon, my red Silkie pullet, Ruby, was on the eggs! Lennie was close by keep watch and chasing away all the other roosters. I guess he had been just keeping them warm for her so she could eat and stretch her legs. That night Ruby went to roost on top of one of the cages as usual, so I went ahead and took the eggs. I don't think she or Lennie is quite ready to hatch just yet, ....maybe just warming up. I also never thought of them as a couple, lol!​

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