I haven't got any eggs from 25 chickens in 4 weeks!!!!


Jun 19, 2017
My girls were laying decent and one day they just stopped laying period. They don't even sit in the nesting boxes, it's about 90' here and most of my breeds arnt that "buff". Please help the food price is breaking me!
Oh yea, and I have 10 americanaus that are in a pen right beside the other and live in the same conditions and I get about 6 eggs from them so why arnt the others laying?
I had something similar happen to me the last week in April. With 27 chickens going from 12 eggs one day and then anywhere from 0 to 3 eggs a day for a month. I did take and move them from roaming 1 acre, no feed, to an area of 38 feet by 100 feet and a new chicken manson 10x20. 5 bagsof feed a month. Then they started laying again. I did feed them 48oz of yogurt mixed with dry feed, middle of May. Temps where in the 80's. Last week I went from DuMor layer crumble to Purina layer crumble and the egg production, 3 days later, went up to 12~14 a day then 17, 9, 18, 19, and 16 today. The temp this last 2 weeks has been high 90's to over 100. June egg count was 304, Mays was 151, yogurt and over 2 weeks of daily highs of 100 plus.

The only major difference in the feed is some vitamins.

Not sure if this information will help but that is what I did.

I'm have 6 EE all 2 years old, 2 RR 3years, 2 Barbed Rocks 2 1/2yo. 9 RR and 4 black Australorps and 4 barred rocks 9 months.
Ok well I'm kinda confused, mine live in a 40 by 40 ft pen and have a decent sized coop. My amerucana's (11) same age live in the exact same conditions and they are atleast laying. I've changed feed and given them cool water but still no results, any other tips?
You need to play Sherlock Holmes. Write a list of everything that's exactly the same about the non-laying group and the laying group, then do another list of everything that's different right down to the smallest detail.

Are these two groups housed in the same coop or different coops?
Do they get exactly the same things to eat, and what are they?
Are the two groups different in behavior? Any trouble makers in either group?
What is the square footage in coop and run for each group?
Have you inspected each group for parasites? Lice on the chickens and mites in the coops at night? Ants? Signs of rats and mice?
Breeds? Some breeds are short term layers, others keep on through all seasons.
Etc. You may discover a tiny little thing that is responsible by comparing your two groups.

Is it fall or spring where you live? It helps us to know what geographical area you live what season you're in.
I am in summer and my hens layed through the winter. There coops and runs are the same size and they both have roost's. they all get feed the same food and are given treats like bread ALOT

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