I really hope these barred rocks are girls

I guess I have to find them homes and start all over again and not with the people I went to before. They apparently don't know what they're doing >_>
Sorry to say looks like some males. I've got barred rocks - but all girls, so I am not as skilled at determining BR gender, but I do know the barring does vary between males and females.

If you end up with males, and don't want to go through this again - just purchase started pullets. Yes, a bit pricier but you are not waiting 4-6 months for eggs nor dealing with fragile chicks. They are guaranteed female! So, here is Meyer hatchery started pullet page - note the many breeds available:
View attachment 1752812

And, you can just get an assortment, which may be cheaper overall if you don't care too much about a specific breed. Note the price is $12.24 per bird (but they hatched and fed them for 20-24 weeks), which seems pretty reasonable. Shipping costs?

View attachment 1752813

Meyer is only one of several large hatcheries - and other hatcheries offer started pullets. Maybe you have one within driving distance and can pick some started pullets up, rather than getting them shipped.

Good Luck!

I am breed picky but I don't mind paying more for assurance they are girls... I just worry they won't be socialized and won't be used to us. Them being friendly is more important than the eggs to us. I appreciate the resources!
Them being friendly is more important than the eggs to us. I appreciate the resources!

We've hand reared chicks and had momma hen rear chicks. In all cases, the chicks are much more skittish and standoffish - even when we are interacting with them a lot and giving treats. But, they have all gotten waaaay more friendly and interactive one they get to point of lay. We still have a couple of pullets/hens that are naturally less interactive, but don't run away anymore once they reach POL. So, I would not hesitate getting started pullets due to friendliness as it seems to come with age/hormones.
We've hand reared chicks and had momma hen rear chicks. In all cases, the chicks are much more skittish and standoffish - even when we are interacting with them a lot and giving treats. But, they have all gotten waaaay more friendly and interactive one they get to point of lay. We still have a couple of pullets/hens that are naturally less interactive, but don't run away anymore once they reach POL. So, I would not hesitate getting started pullets due to friendliness as it seems to come with age/hormones.

So if we order older, for sure females online, you think we can still get them friendly with us? We went with Barred Rocks because we heard they are good for beginner, relatively quiet and friendly.
So if we order older, for sure females online, you think we can still get them friendly with us? We went with Barred Rocks because we heard they are good for beginner, relatively quiet and friendly.

Yes. As with any animal, there will be variations as to how friendly and interactive they are. But, female chickens are usually great with humans, once they settle into their new environment. Generally, their true nature shows within the flock dynamics - where you could get a bully, or best and inseparable buddies. Besides, if you make it a point to be out there with them on a regular basis, they will get familiar with you. I've had laying pullets and hens squat for me when I approach them, which is a submissive stance for chickens. My tween spends a lot of time with them, and some come to my tween for attention, and some are close by, but only come to specifically interact when tween brings treats like grass or scratch. Some are quite happy to be picked up and held and stroked and carried around. Even the momma hen raised chicks (which have always been much more human-shy for the first 6-8 weeks) are becoming quite friendly with the most recent batch of momma-hen raised chicks at age 9 weeks, and they are still many weeks from laying.
You might want to peruse the NPIP listings for wherever you are located. It lists breeders and hatcheries, so small and large operations. Some states have only a few pages of listings, but others (like Ohio) have many pages to go through. However, you may find a place near you that will sell you started pullets, or that you can drive to to pick up. For breeds, they use stock codes and these are listed separately on the left side of the link. You'll want "R" for the regular sized chickens. for example, Barred Rocks are R146.
Here's the link to search by state:

FWIW, we like our Barred Rocks - they are a nice, even tempered breed tending to friendly (none are unfriendly). Ours came from same hatchery, and we have two that are 14 months old and two that are 9 weeks old. Otherwise, our Easter Eggers (Americanas), and White Plymouth Rock (White Rock) I would recommend as good breeds for beginners (of the breeds we have had - which has been several). I would NOT recommend Leghorns if you want friendly - ours were very skittish and not friendly - not mean or anything, but we really could never befriend those very well.
Thank you everyone for the help. I'm very inclined to believe everyone since there is so many unanimously saying roos. My wife is going to contact the farm and see if they will take them back. Hopefully to rehome. I don't even care about getting my money back, I feel awful about it but there is no way we can keep roos. I'm taking the advice too to order already established pullets around 20 weeks online. I was so torn between barred rocks and australorps in the beginning. Maybe I'll take the oppertunity to get 2 of one and 1 of the other. Will these be good breeds to get along?
I was so torn between barred rocks and australorps in the beginning. Maybe I'll take the oppertunity to get 2 of one and 1 of the other. Will these be good breeds to get along?

Yes, we have older and younger of both Black Australorps and Barred Rocks. They get along well - neither breed picks on the other.
Yes, we have older and younger of both Black Australorps and Barred Rocks. They get along well - neither breed picks on the other.
Wonderful! I appreciate all the advice and help. I'll have to try to settle this whole situation asap and hopefully end up with some happy HENS this time. Will be sure to come back and share once I get them. At least I hadn't given them their names yet even if we picked them out lol. Then it would be really hard.
If it gives you any peace of mind in trying to resolve this, I too believe that all 3 are cockerels from their comb colour and development.
I also wonder if they are actually pure bred Barred Rocks as their darker colouring (normally an indication of females Barred Rocks) suggests they may only have one copy of the barring gene rather than the two which pure bred males should have and causes them to be lighter coloured or more specifically, the bars to be broader.... ie more white than black
If it gives you any peace of mind in trying to resolve this, I too believe that all 3 are cockerels from their comb colour and development.
I also wonder if they are actually pure bred Barred Rocks as their darker colouring (normally an indication of females Barred Rocks) suggests they may only have one copy of the barring gene rather than the two which pure bred males should have and causes them to be lighter coloured or more specifically, the bars to be broader.... ie more white than black

At this point I wouldn't be surprised if they aren't pure bred. Which honestly I wouldn't care, but I don't want to do any more dealings with these people. Sad as it is, that's what I get for trying to go locally :/

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